[Ch3] Nang Rai Sai Lab (Good Feeling)


Staff member
@lynlee ... "Gum Nan" is Mayor .. while "Phoo Yai" is more of a headman/headmaster...
uh uh... feel free to correct me anyone :)
"nam nao" too me is when the lakorn storyline is very cliche with uber duber lovey-dovey corney love story.... a bit like ceci's too.. ahaha.
ughh.. why must I have school.. I can't catch up on my lakorns... boohoo..


Okay, this is VERY off topic, and I know  you guys might be annoyed by me and my Pan Thai Nora Sing shenanigan already, but um...I know a few of you guys know Thai, so mind helping out phatman here on what the title translates to? Please?


sarNie Juvenile
Hahahaha phatman!! I'm pretty sure that Phantai Norasing was a key figure in Thai history? I think he may have been a captain or something??
So the title is actually a name, it doesn't have a meaning in Thai?
I know that my mum and Thai students have to learn about him.


Lynlee_love said:
Hahahaha phatman!! I'm pretty sure that Phantai Norasing was a key figure in Thai history? I think he may have been a captain or something??
So the title is actually a name, it doesn't have a meaning in Thai?
I know that my mum and Thai students have to learn about him.
Ah! No wonder. I was like, I can't get a translation on google translate and idk why!? Haha. So the title is actually a name. No wonder the lead guy's name is Sing, I get it now. Haha. Thanks. I love you so much you that right? Hehe.

Alright I just saw episode 8 with subs so I'm going for another round!


I don't want to watch anything now that I've learned about Panthai Norasing and why he got executed. *sigh* I'm so depressed. I just started episode 8, but I'm not really feeling it. Oh how can one be so...


sarNie Juvenile
@aikoden, thank you na ka :) I've been wondering for a while what the difference is between the two and what they both mean.
@phatman, So I don't know if you still want to know this about Phantai Norasing, but I asked my mum about it, she said that he was the Captain of the Navy??, and one day while he was with the King of Thailand on a ship, they accidentally hit something, which caused a bit of a disturbance, even though the King knew it was an accident and could not be prevented, Phantai Norasing offered himself up to be executed for putting the King in danger. 


sarNie Juvenile
I'm on episode 8 again, uh that boxing scene, my god, the way he's all touchy feely with her....dies. Also the scene where Wun and Pie read out the news article about Gwin and Soh's date, she looks really uncomfortable that Bate is hearing about it,  like as Wun is reading it she keeps giving Bate looks and he's just looking at her the whole time, people you may not be aware, but we can certainly see that you have feelings for each other!!! 
I totally LOVE jealous Soh in this ep!! I'm thinking that Mai spoke up on purpose so that Soh could hear her. Gwin and Mai in this ep and kind of in the other ones where they are in the same scenes as our two pra'nang, try to assert themselves as like the "special" person in the others lives I think? or more like claim a closer personal relationship??? But people, these two have LIVED with each other, shared the same BED, COOKED for each other, dodged BULLETS together and been through a whole host of other things, you two have like ZERO chance!! 
And yes, even though this is the second time I'm watching this ep, I will still be making posts on it  :tease:


sarNie Juvenile
I think that the reason for Nin's outburst when seeing Soh with Than, other than the fact that she is a jealous and possessive biatch, is that subconsciously, thats what she fears, that Than and Soh will betray her like that, disregarding that she should know what Soh's personality is like, the thought of the two people who are probably the most important to her cheating on her is what causes her to react like that. Nin also says something about how she saved Soh's lfe?? I hope they explain that later on. 


sarNie Juvenile
Umm hopefully no one has posted this up yet??? Or maybe someone has? The pages are going to fast for me to read everything. 
Anyways this is Peter on Reung Rao Shao Nee, which is a morning breakfast/news show in Thailand, I basically laughed til my stomach hurt, at the end of it he also tells the host that he has some good news which is he's getting married, thats when the music cuts, and the show is basically the first to know until we see that press conference that he holds where he announces the marriage along with the up coming addition to the family with his gf/fiancee Ploy.
cr. uploader


sarNie Juvenile
I'm just going to translate the preview cause I'm procrastinating and there's no new pictures to upload yet.  Jeez look at how easily Peter lifts up Margie  :woot2:
cr. uploader 
Ja Yom - Our second safehouse got attacked
Soh's Dad - You're pregnant aren't you?
Bate - I guarantee that.........FINISH THE SENTENCE BATE!!!!!
Richard? - Do you know Ms Surikarn, Khun Kaew? Uh oh this could be bad.
Nin slaps Kaew  :party: finally!!!!
The aunty who's name I don't remembers asks the two of them when they fell in love. Not like " oh how long have you been in love" more like " what situations led to you both falling in love, how did it happen? Last time I saw you, you both didn't look in love" 
Soh - It's so cute? Or maybe she says "You're so cute" then she says "right???" but in the gay/ transgender type way. 
Lol I should never do subs, or translations, I suck at them, hahaahah 


Lynlee_love said:
@aikoden, thank you na ka :) I've been wondering for a while what the difference is between the two and what they both mean.
@phatman, So I don't know if you still want to know this about Phantai Norasing, but I asked my mum about it, she said that he was the Captain of the Navy??, and one day while he was with the King of Thailand on a ship, they accidentally hit something, which caused a bit of a disturbance, even though the King knew it was an accident and could not be prevented, Phantai Norasing offered himself up to be executed for putting the King in danger. 
Yeah, after you told me it's a name I looked him up and learned about him and why he had to be executed. I watched the lakorn, but skipped quite a bit, so I skipped the part he hit the tree branch. Haha. Talk about enjoying a lakorn. I did enjoy it nevertheless, in a sad way of course. Haha. It could've been much better, but Tui T. and Aom P.'s interactions made up for it. Anyway, I have to really thank you because if you didn't tell me I would've died of frustration...seriously. Haha.

Well, on topic...can't get enough of episode 8!! I watched that scene of them playing by the beach a million times at least. It has got to be my favorite scene in this entire lakorn so far. I can definitely see Zoe developing some feeling for Bate. That part she heard Mai's voice in the background while talking to Bate on the phone is a clue. The main part that gave her away was when she looked for him and found him sitting by himself after lunch, just before they started playing with each other. Hehe. If she cared about being with Gwin, she wouldn't have ditched him for Bate! Am I right? Hehe.


Lynlee_love said:
I think that the reason for Nin's outburst when seeing Soh with Than, other than the fact that she is a jealous and possessive biatch, is that subconsciously, thats what she fears, that Than and Soh will betray her like that, disregarding that she should know what Soh's personality is like, the thought of the two people who are probably the most important to her cheating on her is what causes her to react like that. Nin also says something about how she saved Soh's lfe?? I hope they explain that later on. 
Remember in the beginning when Nin asked Zoe to steal those scandalous pics From Na? She was all, "remember all those times when I saved your life?? Now you can repay then" or something. Zoe flashed back to a couple times that Nin "accidentally" saved her. Haha. I thought they were hilarious, because Nin knows very well those were accidents not intent. Haha. Which explains why Zoe's stuck to crazy Nin all those years.


sarNie Juvenile
phatman said:
Yeah, after you told me it's a name I looked him up and learned about him and why he had to be executed. I watched the lakorn, but skipped quite a bit, so I skipped the part he hit the tree branch. Haha. Talk about enjoying a lakorn. I did enjoy it nevertheless, in a sad way of course. Haha. It could've been much better, but Tui T. and Aom P.'s interactions made up for it. Anyway, I have to really thank you because if you didn't tell me I would've died of frustration...seriously. Haha.

Well, on topic...can't get enough of episode 8!! I watched that scene of them playing by the beach a million times at least. It has got to be my favorite scene in this entire lakorn so far. I can definitely see Zoe developing some feeling for Bate. That part she heard Mai's voice in the background while talking to Bate on the phone is a clue. The main part that gave her away was when she looked for him and found him sitting by himself after lunch, just before they started playing with each other. Hehe. If she cared about being with Gwin, she wouldn't have ditched him for Bate! Am I right? Hehe.
Hahahaha no worries on the info, its always fun to learn about my cultural history  :yes:
To your bolded statement.....YES!!! :yes:  If she cared for the guy she would have stayed with him and NOT gone off in search of Bate  :clap:  She also wanted to stay with him even when he shooed her away for "disturbing his peace". Also, all those scenes where she wonders where he is, and where he's disappeared to, she totally wants to be in his company  :spin:
On a different note but still related to the drama, I've noticed that a lot of the scenes which they showed us in the teaser, and should have happened already, such as the scene where she throws her jacket at him and then grabs at her boobs, has either not happened yet or it's been edited out during the process, for the scene I just mentioned, she wears the same dress which she wore when she first went to Richard's apartment, where she plants the listening device. I do hope that they will somehow still show all those scenes in the teaser though, cause they are what got me initially excited for this lakorn, and even though as you all know I'm totally in love with it, I would still like to see those scenes  :lolyup:


You're Thai?! Cool. You are very lucky to understand these amazing lakorns. Haha.

Yup, Zoe's in love as much as Bate.

Yeah, I hope they don't cut out too many scenes. That scene where she was touching her boobs, I think got edited out. I think most scenes showed in the teaser didn't make the cut. Which does suck. I hope they don't cut out that motorcycle scene too. I want to see it! Hehe.