Step said:
LOL today's episode was really sweeeeeeeeeeet. I cant wait to watch next episode. OMG Natee is soooooooo jealous.
Peace waiting for your gifs. I know you are very excited for this :coverlaf:
i'm supper excited that i couldn't stop myself from doing the gif of that scene in the end of ep , so kimbo fans please take a deep breath to scream and fiiiiinnn
"where are you going i want a kiss first "
" :blush: "
warming up for the kiss with hot exchange of stares first this remind me of the quote "EYE CONTACT IS WAY MORE INTIMATE THAN WORD CAN EVER BE" btw i can't skip without saying how amazing kim's eye are
and then she surrender for the warm of those stares and let the kiss be
like that slowwlllyy slowwyyyyyy :drools: :drools: :drools: :drools:
:blush: :blush: :blush: :spicy: :spicy:
I WISHHHEEEEEDD IF THE GIFS HAVE SOUND THE WAY HE SAID THE WORDS FOR HER i can't believe i'm saying this but was sooo manly hot and her she was just enjoying the moment with close eyes and beating heart i can feel her heart beat