[Ch3] Neua Mek 2 (Medta Lae Mahaniyom)


The media has always portrayed a negative image of Mark. They are so blinded, and yes the anti-fans will slander and talk shit all they want. I know a troll who lurks around pretending to mteam fan, she's the biggest HYPO hypocrite out there. She's a complete waste of time.


Mark knows better and he deliberates the people who have no respect for him to slander/talk shit while he listens and does his best at moving on with a better future and career! Big Mint was a disaster, the media was blinded to have accuse/slander Mark. Mark may not be perfect but he's a down-to-earth and simple man that we love. Some of us know he's not even close to being as horrible as the corrupted media and some anti-fans portrayed him to be.
If no one fed the troll, it wouldn't continue to exist. Plus, there's something more than just the troll out there (or here). Hahahahah.



sarNie Adult
can't wait to see that lakorn as well...I wanna c her in traditional clothing and do the dance ^.^ I think james pretty cute.....


sarNie OldFart
^ I already know that Mark not gonna pair up with her again, since he don't have time to take another lakorn, not even an event

cr; as tagged
heheh. they look cute here. mark's so cute.

umm... another lakorn for them. that will be great. lets see if it;s true. ^-^ another waiting to do.


Looking back at Mark's interview, I knew this is what he meant about "how things can change" or "nothing's for sure." He doesn't have to worry about managing his time and giving time to his kon sanit yet....Lmao....he'll see after they finish filming...lmao...because things can change....Lmao....B/c they may or may not reunite.....Hahahahah......This boy is so vague....I think very few people people understand him. Hahah. Musing.


It's a long, long, long, long, long, longgggggg ridddeeeeeeeeeee. Hahaha. ;D

Edit: Check your pms, peepz!


^Personal messengers.

Anyway, I find this funny.. When did k'somrakn started following mteam international IG? Haha. I tagged mteam's IG last week but I had no idea he followed till now. I should have tagged chinese mm's IG too. Haha.



sarNie Adult
awww they're so cute in that pic.
i've never seen that pic with the red background...he has his hand around her waist, she's holding his suite and their heads are close...ekkss...cuteness!!!!

thanks for all the pics. Love 'em all!

that's awesome that he's following!!!! maybe our hopes and wishes will be answered to if we market them properly to him....LOL


sarNie OldFart
^ hahah. Damn, Mark seriously. And I just happen to like you so much.hahhaha...
This boy is um.... unexpected.hahhah...


lol mark is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo unexpected omg! LOL

anyways...I wonder what is Mark's next lakorn? since Mint is busy with her next lakorn with James..