^Mark is wiser than most people think. "Person with my heart, my heart also with him."
Lmao. You think 8 guests is a lot. The other time, I saw 22 guests but I didn't screen cap a THIRD time. Hahaha. MTEAM fandom is really peculiar. We have a lot of real fans, but we also have a lot of fake ones who are afraid of Mteam's potential. Which reminds me...
You said fans would be happy and screaming if MTEAM revealed they were dating. Well, I can guarantee that there will also be many haters from all directions: north, south, east, west. Hahahahahahahahahahah.
I think of this couple. They've been in a relationship for ten years and seven of those years they were dating in secret. I think you know them right? Since se7en is a YG artist. Hehe.
If you check Chalida's following list, you should see right away. I think she followed us more than a week ago.