I can't fathom how someone can call themselves a real Mark fan and then hate on or just be downright cold towards his beloved Chalida. Then again. That's just me. Hahaha. I think I can understand/sympathize with them but at the same time I cannot understand/sympathize with them. Doesn't make any rational sense??? Well, it makes emotional and intuitive sense to me. Hahaha.
It's actually sad because I notice hard core Chalida haters (and Chalida fans haters hahaha) tends to be those obsessive with Marky boy. I still remember when TD was airing, I could literally shiver.
Sorry. Outta the blue! But after reading some snide comments of many various types just b/c punya chon kon krua is on air now, I have to let this out somewhere.
Now nothing important, but just a few small statistics from winter, spring, and fall this year. I couldn't find one for summer. Lmao.
I'm a little amazed Chalida is still leading the polls when pckk is currently airing. I remember when Tawan Deard was currently airing and they made a poll for Chalida's pra aek, Pope led the way. Then when Rak Pathiharn was currently airing, Alex led the polls.
But when all is said and done and the polls were conducted again, the majority still always preferred mteam in the long run.
So I'm always appalled by the mistreatment Channel 3 would allow m&m fans to bear.
It'd be two years since Pathapee Leh Rak and even then plr was branded the "black sheep" of the 4 Hua Jai Haeng Khun Khao Series. During the rerun earlier this year, people still complained about it. Yet, many fans still adore mteam as Koo Kwan and Koo Jin. It's all because of their personal charms together and not yet because of their skills or talents as professional actors.
With two straight years of deprivation (lmao) and so much worse, I demand huge compensations!!
Hah. Just kidding. I could go on and on about all the mistreatment but it's beating a dead horse.
Somehow, I just feel like mteam will never get a truly full blown romance drama together. Not to be pessimistic, but all the history suggests a bleak future.
Still. I wish "third time will be the charm." Or else, once this voyage is done (when nm2 airs and finishes lmao) I won't be aboard for the next trip. I'm staying dry.