Yes. How true. If PLR had delivered, I probably would not be here today. I don't subscribe to gluttony, you see. When I have my fair share, it's enough for me and I am ready to move on. This is one of the few reasons why I was able to move on from more "successful" daras / pairings. Then again, if Ch3 had promoted MTEAM, these three years would also not have been such an adventure.
Love you too ja.
I admit, as an intellectual human being, closure is important to me. In fact, seeking either vengeance or justice is like seeking closure too. /OT
narkrakdin24^^ said:
Oui. I've been gone for some days and some of y'all already think MM changed or didn't have that "spark" like before? Sorry if I misunderstood but I need a clear varification about this. I saw Mark post up a picture "Kid them all." Does he mean to play us? Suspicious but is it a coincidence? Am I thinking too much?
Sorry guys. I had food poisoning and... Well, it's not nice to have food poisoning. Lol! But I'm back!!!!
Unless a reliable device is created where we can objectively measure "spark" or "chemistry," you shouldn't be bothered by people's opinions. Everything has always been a matter of perception. Some perception are just closer to the truth than others. But I am going a wee bit off tangent and not really answering your question now, aren't I ... MTEAM can no longer move me but I haven't thought about about whether they loss "spark" yet. They surely have changed though. Or a more appropriate word is.. they've
"grown up." Their relationship is more mature and more "real," like what Jimie briefly described. As an individual though, Chalida is still too childish in my eyes. Then again, like spanky/invu is always saying... their brains are still not fully developed ...... hahahahahaaha. Biologically speaking, scientists say our brains are not fully developed till the age of 25 ne.. Meh. Airheard girl may just always be airhead girl. I would like to see her more "sober" as Jimieyoushie had put it but whether she matures or not doesn't affect me one bit... Why do I keep stressing this. Hahaha.... All the mess M&M creates can be deliciously entertaining anyway when we detach certain values and expectations... They have been testing us..teasing us... Yes,
"kidding" with us... Many people failed if you know what I mean... It's difficult for humans to not
"judge" esp without self-righteous attitudes ... Gawdly... I just keep rambling..... I have said this i private before... I can tolerate Mark's trick, game, and ruse.... but Chalida is just... too childish. She is insulting the intelligence of so many people............ But in another way........ serves them all right.... I mean... those nosy and meddlesome people... Serves them right for obsessively stalking on a dara who they don't even sincerely care about only to get bitchslap later when the airhead girl does not confirm their desperate imaginations and instead calls the hi-so a childish boy who is not worthy of being her "type".
555555555 !!!!!!!!! Irony isn't it.
But welcome back ja, Nong Nati. I hope you are taking good care of your health na. I've missed you jung.
No, it is true. Chalida gets the most bashing when compared to other actresses in or around her generation. She tends to become a scapegoat too. The target of so much hypocritical criticisms. But this makes it all the more fun to promote her... for me. It's rather fun watching the antifans in desperation. Sometimes you see so-called "non-fans" but also "non-haters" making snide comments just to be assholes towards "fans," and they just think they're being so fair, objective and smart because they are neither fans or haters -
supposedly. It's a wicked satisfaction to expose so much hypocrisy. It's like a mental exercise actually - testing people's intellectual honesty. Contrary to what most people may believe, we don't have to have such kind feelings towards Chalida to support her..... I know I probably lost a bunch of you here.... What am I saying? OH NOES!
As for antifans being afraid of
"mteam's realness," it may sound like a biased answer, but hell to the yes that is the damn reason. Shooo. Need I go over the long, longggg history? I think not. Now is
not the time for me to rehash the hypocrisy and jealousy and hate.
Now is the time for me to write up my research paper as I struggle to conjugate verbs and adjectives in nihongo. 55555555555 Lame OT and excuse.
About the "parent-child" vibe.... I admit it. Like I told both Jimieyoushie and Smilez months and months ago.... There are times when I look at picture of Chalida - just a harmless, innocent photo - and in my mind I'll think....
"She needs to be slapped." 55555555555 My opinions of Chalida is even worse now compared to when I confessed this
wayyyy back then. Maa nee. This lakorn is far from over but.....
Still waiting for your prediction.... Chalida's 20th birthday is coming up soon.... By Thai standards, she won't be considered a "child" anymore. So, we'll see....