If anyone ever says Mark doesn't like chalida, we just need to bust this out...
one pic says it all. No need to explain. LOL. He's being very obvious again. But I sympathize with him. He's been denied for too long. muahaha
^ Marky-boy better be careful about his hand here, it's up a little high.

^ aww..this reminds me of...
Look at how much they've changed. Especially Nong Mint. (The pic is very badly photoshopped btw.)
You know I was also wondering whether the boys are that tall. They don't look that tall. But Chalida's heels are very high and she's still shorter than Mark. I find that ridiculously adorable though. Her legs looks longer than his too!
I know what you mean, I'm supposed to be doing hw. But here I am spazzing instead. LOL