[Ch3] Neua Mek 2 (Medta Lae Mahaniyom)


Official Chalida&Monchanok Stalker
perfect observation mintwix now I'm starting to realize more details about them and the family gathering together and did i just come across Mint showing her ring picture omg tai lao kwarm jing ler blaow? Mteam pen koo mun gun? :scratchhead2: :cheer:


Official Chalida&Monchanok Stalker
perfect observation mintwix now I'm starting to realize more details about them and the family gathering together and did i just come across Mint showing her ring picture omg tai lao kwarm jing ler blaow? Mteam pen koo mun gun? :scratchhead2: :cheer:


sarNie Adult
so many cute updates!
i'm loving it =))

love the pic mark posted, and P'Num's comment...eheheheheh,
kinda surprised he posted it whilst Punyachon is still airing, but its all good. i love every bit of it. =)

i can't believe they made news with him and his sis.

that's strange about pantip.
and i am surprised that Mteam have been topping the charts. i guess we are all very Mteam hungry.

its so cute that both families support Mteam.
Mark's mum doesn't follow that many people either.
they way Mark's sister talks to Chalida, you can tell that they are quite close and adore each other. but i've never looked at how Mark communicates with Chalida's brother's....this is interesting....give me more MINT....more is being revealed in this lakorn....LOL....

It's November people! December soon!
CH3 please give us an exact date soon.


so many cute updates!
i'm loving it =))

love the pic mark posted, and P'Num's comment...eheheheheh,
kinda surprised he posted it whilst Punyachon is still airing, but its all good. i love every bit of it. =)

i can't believe they made news with him and his sis.

that's strange about pantip.
and i am surprised that Mteam have been topping the charts. i guess we are all very Mteam hungry.

its so cute that both families support Mteam.
Mark's mum doesn't follow that many people either.
they way Mark's sister talks to Chalida, you can tell that they are quite close and adore each other. but i've never looked at how Mark communicates with Chalida's brother's....this is interesting....give me more MINT....more is being revealed in this lakorn....LOL....

It's November people! December soon!
CH3 please give us an exact date soon.
Ju ju ju. More will be revealed with time. But for now, only selective tidbits are being concealed.
omg your cheeky
Alice, you should beware. Real and illusion is a recurring theme in this fandom. It's tricky thing to learn, discerning between truth and deception, legit clues and misleading ones, and even real M&M fans and fake one's. Not everything is what it seems and behind a friendly face might actually be a troll. LOL. But we just have to continue playing the game anyway.


The ring i heard that in the lakorn the new guy suprise praepalin for her birhday in the lakorn and wants her to marry her yeah. And thats when SaengGla becomes madder and madder.


sarNie Tombstone
The ring i heard that in the lakorn the new guy suprise praepalin for her birhday in the lakorn and wants her to marry her yeah. And thats when SaengGla becomes madder and madder.
oh thanks fantastic_27 that clears up now your fantastic like you username


sarNie Tombstone
Ju ju ju. More will be revealed with time. But for now, only selective tidbits are being concealed.

Alice, you should beware. Real and illusion is a recurring theme in this fandom. It's tricky thing to learn, discerning between truth and deception, legit clues and misleading ones, and even real M&M fans and fake one's. Not everything is what it seems and behind a friendly face might actually be a troll. LOL. But we just have to continue playing the game anyway.
mintwix thanks very much chun kao jai laow ka kob jai ter na :highfive:


Yes, yes, yes. Hopefully non-Chalida fans won't be confused... 

Since Fun asked for Kan-Cheer, this is a more comprehensive list but still not all. Weir-Min is just below Kan-Cheer.

And guess what? Haha. Chalida and James Ma is at rank #8. Hahaha.

Why am I not surprised even though SJ is still a longgg way? I'm surprised mteam is dominating the polls but I'm not surprised Chalida and James Ma even made it above Great-Eye and others. Lol. Netizens still always go on about how Chalida have chemistry with all her pra aeks. To be honest, we have to thank anti-mteam fans for supporting her with other pra aeks. Lol. Then again, they also go on about how Mark has chemistry with all of his nang aeks as well. It's a win-win kind of deal to me. Mteam can be a power couple together but they're also flexible enough to go their separate ways.


Love her smiles.



sarNie Tombstone
Yes, yes, yes. Hopefully non-Chalida fans won't be confused...

Since Fun asked for Kan-Cheer, this is a more comprehensive list but still not all. Weir-Min is just below Kan-Cheer.

And guess what? Haha. Chalida and James Ma is at rank #8. Hahaha.

Why am I not surprised even though SJ is still a longgg way? I'm surprised mteam is dominating the polls but I'm not surprised Chalida and James Ma even made it above Great-Eye and others. Lol. Netizens still always go on about how Chalida have chemistry with all her pra aeks. To be honest, we have to thank anti-mteam fans for supporting her with other pra aeks. Lol. Then again, they also go on about how Mark has chemistry with all of his nang aeks as well. It's a win-win kind of deal to me. Mteam can be a power couple together but they're also flexible enough to go their separate ways.


Love her smiles.

omg my Rome and Chompoo on the list too


sarNie Adult

I think Chalida's dad had liked mteam's pictures before na. I just thought this one instant was quite funny and interesting because this mteam picture was the only picture he had liked the whole day or even the whole week. This picture is something alright. There's already 500+ comments and counting. If you show the picture to anyone with no bias or prejudice, I am sure they will all at the least say that these two m&m are fond of each other. This is the least they will say. 55555
Oh, thanks for the clarification haha I guess, I was surprised seeing him liked one of Mark's pictures haha Yup, they sure will say that hahah

Mark's sister is a Leo, his mom is Scorpio, and he's a Pisces. Now just need his dad hahah


sarNie Juvenile
Fun, I think you must be the only one who's not surprised then. Because even I am slightly amazed even though I have always been aware of the level of stability in m&m fanbase.

This suddenly reminds me of a bittersweet memory in January 2011. I think very few remember even if you were around mteam forum during that time. F3 magazine on FB had encouraged fans to cheer for pranangs they wanted on the cover for the Valentine's issue. M&M fans had the biggest voice... But in the end they chose Ken-Chompoo even though no one even cheered for them on FB. Hah. We were tricked and cheated.... Too many times...I mean, why tell us to cheer so enthudiastically then? What they gave us was a one page article that we shared with Yadech. Lolllllll.

Like now, mteam is still continuing to lead by increasingly greater margins...
I still feel be hardly to believe that. If I don't see the date, I never think this is this year 's vote.
We should sigh “love is so great” ?
Why did I just think so many sentences about praise how strong love's power? 555555

But sober people are often times too quiet.
yes. but ,maybe because of the blind, can't to see the truth, so don't dare to speak loudly. like
proverb said: "ignorance of the people, is one of the most courageous."

*Gasp* Mark Proposed???Engagement Ring???
No...Theres No Meaning To The Ring....
Maybe your intuition is right, although the ring it does not mean anything, but the her action ... ... maybe....haha...If you notice a change in our girl.....

I think Chalida's dad had liked mteam's pictures before na. I just thought this one instant was quite funny and interesting because this mteam picture was the only picture he had liked the whole day or even the whole week. This picture is something alright. There's already 500+ comments and counting. If you show the picture to anyone with no bias or prejudice, I am sure they will all at the least say that these two m&m are fond of each other. This is the least they will say. 55555

before and now. what change? look at chalida's teeth, and mteam's facial lines. I know many people think the pic in PLR is so sweet. but obviously, mteam happy and like together to play,but chalida was made a "smile", she deliberately smile. but now, their facial muscles shows us how natural and how enjoy they are.absolutely not to play,So much tenderness in they are face.Profound feelings.



Oh, thanks for the clarification haha I guess, I was surprised seeing him liked one of Mark's pictures haha Yup, they sure will say that hahah

Mark's sister is a Leo, his mom is Scorpio, and he's a Pisces. Now just need his dad hahah
I think I had mentioned Mark'a sister was a Leo back at mteam forum, right? But tbh, I think that was a mistake. If I remember correctly, Miang is actually a Capricorn. LOL. But nevertheless, it seems Miang and Mint share quite a number of things in common. Has anyone watched Hana Yori Dango? The male lead first fell for the female lead because she punched him and he thinks about the similar attitude she has as his older sister who had also punched him at times. The older sister even told the female lead they have the "same scent." Hahaha. Same nature I guess.
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sarNie Juvenile
I think I had mentioned Mark'a sister was a Leo back at mteam forum, right? But tbh, I think that was a mistake. If I remember correctly, Miang is actually a Capricorn. LOL. But nevertheless, it seems Miang and Mint share quite a number of things in common. Has anyone watched Hana Yori Dango? The male lead first fell for the female lead because she punched him and he thinks about the similar attitude she has as his older sister who had also punched him at times. The older sister even told the female lead they have the "same scent." Hahaha. Same nature I guess.
you are right! tacit understanding:) 


sarNie Adult
I think I had mentioned Mark'a sister was a Leo back at mteam forum, right? But tbh, I think that was a mistake. If I remember correctly, Miang is actually a Capricorn. LOL. But nevertheless, it seems Miang and Mint share quite a number of things in common. Has anyone watched Hana Yori Dango? The male lead first fell for the female lead because she punched him and he thinks about the similar attitude she has as his older sister who had also punched him at times. The older sister even told the female lead they have the "same scent." Hahaha. Same nature I guess.
oh, okay. haha Yup, P'Miang and Mint really do have a lot of things in common. Understand hahah


sarNie Juvenile
read somewhere that mark says that kim is his kookwan not chalida,this kinda hit me hard to my heart how can he says that?anyway it his words just have to accept it,not sure if im excited over nuer mek 2 might support mint with top,not too fond of mark right now


sarNie Adult
read somewhere that mark says that kim is his kookwan not chalida,this kinda hit me hard to my heart how can he says that?anyway it his words just have to accept it,not sure if im excited over nuer mek 2 might support mint with top,not too fond of mark right now
are you sure it wasn't just a false review or rumor? Or was it a clip? Don't be brought down too easily. In the entertainment world, there are lots of illusions.