Mark is too humble, he NEEDS to advocate and celebrate this success, even though it may just be another "trophy" or award, he should embrace it more and make it recognized! He's too humble in my opinion! He deserves more publicity and just to be out there!!!!!! Lol =D
This event turned out to be BIGGER than I thought. So many famous stars attended, ranging from various top actors of ch3, ch5, ch7 etc. You name it all! Just to throw it out there and share with many of you that Mark DESERVES it all for his work, CHARM and dedication to his career! :kiss2: :kiss2: More to come in the near future!! Su su Prin!!!!
All credit goes to NewPlus!

All the Best for a Successful Man!
Hehe Hotties. :heart:
Mark seems to be holding two different awards through out some pictures. He could've won two trophs. lol
