spanky said:
extension doesn't always mean hopefully they don't drag things out
Agree, sometimes it makes the lakorn boring and lose its appeal. I rather have them make a good lakorn and end it early but the only problem with that is the ending of a lakorn. I am one of those that likes a good ending cause it ties the lakorn together. But some lakorns give me the WTF ending and that frustrate the heck out of me.
So far, the pace to this lakorn is pretty good and I don't want Matt/Film to seperate from each other too long. I hate it when that happens then like 30 minutes of the lakorn they bring them together and that would annoy me.
Savika is funny. She can be so dense that she's the type that'll backhand compliment someone and then blink and smile like she didn't say anything wrong. LOL even Thee was frustrated with her.