^The thing is, it's not just one comment that sparked a heated conversation. It's been going on for years now. People are always complaining about Kim being Anne's favorite. It gets annoying because at the end of the day, it's hypocritical for someone to only complain about Anne and Kim when their favorites are also the favorite of another producer. Everyone is free to have their own opinions. I'm not saying non-Kim fans aren't allowed to comment here. Obviously, I can't take that right away from people. But just like how Yaya, Mint, or Matt's fans wouldn't like hearing constant criticism about them, Kim's fans are also tired of hearing it. We can't stop people from complaining about Kim being Anne's favorite, but others also can't stop us from getting offended and defending Kim when people constantly only target Anne and Kim. It's not just getting offended over one comment. It's built-up frustration from hearing the same thing over and over again for years. I honestly didn't want to comment on it, but since this is Kim's lakorn thread, I felt the desire to speak up. I've seen comments like this on other threads recently too, but since they weren't Kim's threads, I stayed quiet.
I'm just going to use this as an example. Since you're a Matt fan, if Matt were Anne's favorite instead, and people were constantly questioning Anne's professionalism and calling her "too biased and unfair" for casting Matt in her lakorns, would you stay quiet? I don't think you would. I don't think any fan would. Because to you, Matt is a talented actress and she deserves to be promoted by Anne (just like how to us, Kim is a talented actress and she deserves to be promoted by Anne). So when you see constant criticism towards Matt and Anne, and especially for something that every other producer does too, it gets annoying and you have to say something. To non-Kim fans, it might seem like Kim's fans are being overly sensitive and defensive, but to Kim's fans, we know better. We know that's not the case because we hear these kind of complaints all the time. It's human nature to get fed up after a certain point. Not to mention, everyone defends their favorites, not just Kim's fans. Why are Kim's fans always the only ones getting called out for it? Everyone on this forum has defended their favorites. It's just that other people like to use a more sarcastic and passive-aggressive approach while some people like me like to be more straight forward and blunt about it.
Honestly, I would rather people complain and be honest about the reason why they're complaining. When people claim that they're upset about Anne's use of Kim because it's "unfair", "unprofessional" and "too biased" it makes them look silly because even their favorites are the favorite of another producer, yet you never hear them complaining about those producers being unfair, unprofessional and too biased. Because it's their favorites, so of course they're not going to complain. But if people are tired of Anne casting Kim because they don't think that Kim is the most talented actress at Ch.3 and they want others like Matt, Yaya, or Mint to get a chance, then fine, that's their opinion and they should just state it honestly. To claim that the reason they are upset is because Anne is being unreasonable, unfair, unprofessional and too biased, is hypocritical. If that's the real reason they're upset, then why aren't they that upset with the other producers reusing their favorites? Instead, they're cheering on their favorites while accusing Anne of being unprofessional for having her favorite.
This whole "favoritism" thing applies to 95% of the producers in the Thai industry, yet people only target Anne and Kim. They claim that other producers know how to be professional while Anne is the only producer who's unprofessional for reusing her favorite. Really?? Anne has produced four lakorns. The first, third and fourth ones starred Kim, and the second one starred Ploy. Anne waited a year after her first lakorn before casting Kim in her production again. She only casted Kim back to back with this lakorn and ABO. Other producers have produced tons of lakorns, and reuse their favorites back to back and sometimes with a 1-2 year gap in between also. So what's the difference?? There is no difference. It all just boils down to the fact that some people like the actors that are being reused by other producers so they're okay with it and find reasons to justify the favoritism, while some people don't like the actress that Anne favors and therefore, calls her "unprofessional" for doing the same thing. Anne has stated her reasons numerous times as to why she continues to cast Kim in her lakorns. Kim is perfect for the roles, Kim is talented, etc. Just because people don't agree with what Anne sees in Kim doesn't mean that Anne is being unprofessional and biased.
A lot of people even discredit Anne's ability as a producer and the quality of her production company simply because they don't like the fact that she keeps reusing Kim. If Anne is too biased and that makes her unprofessional, therefore, her lakorns crappy, then that means almost all the production companies in the Thai entertainment industry suck as well. I'm not a fan of many actors and actresses who are favored by other producers (I'm only a fan of a few Thai actors and the rest I simply just don't care for), but I don't label those production companies and their lakorns as crappy simply because their favorites are people I'm not as fond of. I give credit where credit is due. Also, people seem to forget that Anne is still a newbie producer. It makes sense for her to use mostly her favorite right now as she's still in the honeymoon phase of her production. Other producers have been in the industry for so long and yet they still continue to cast their favorites year after year after year...but no one complains about it. Maybe if Matt, Yaya, or Mint were in Kim's place as Anne's favorite, their fans would understand the reaction from Kim's fans towards the repetitious comments from people about Anne and Kim. But since that's not going to happen, I guess that's one of the downfalls to Kim being Anne's favorite. People are always going to complain about it, and if and when Kim's fans have something to say about it, we're always going to be seen as the unreasonable ones no matter what.