[Ch3] Piang Chai Kon Nee Mai Chai Poo Wised, Kimmy Kimberley/James Ma, Pop Thagoon/Eye Kamolned


sarNie Tombstone
translation cr to kimmyofficial facebook page  i'm soooo sooooo proud of them especially kimmy they really all the crew worked so hard from beginning of the lakorn to the end   :bravo: :bravo: :bravo: :bravo: and now after reading this i'm soo anxious to watch this sceene it' looks it's not gonna be a light scene i can't wait kudos to anne her crew and especially kim and james i really really hope the lakorn will succeed cause they deserve it personally i'm sold from day one just seeing kimja on_screen is enough for me :clap2: :clap2: :calp2: :clap2:
Step said:
I Was doing my best for this job. It's not because I went to school with the producer, Anne Thong nor that James and Kim are popular. But because I can feel that everybody was putting in their best efforts, lots of endurance and focus (not that the other producer and actor/actress doesn't do their best). But for this lakorn, underwater scene are very important. It's an emotional scene and filming happen at night when water is especially cooler. James and Kim needs to keep swimming non-stop, just to keep their body warm. They open their eyes in water for hours. Through we have salt water pool but it's still very irritating to their eyes. All pictures that I share is to share their commitment. I just want to show my support. There was a time that Anne Thong went to Kim, who is still in the pool. She told Kim to come up and have a rest. "Your eyes had swollen. It's too much already. I'll come down and take your place. Next scene, We will be filming with light shining into the lens. Nobody can tell that it's me or you. " Kim, who still had her eyes close, shook her face and said, "No, let me do it. I just need a short rest. " I was standing there, thinking that this is like a short film in itself, with very impressive scripts. So I just like to share, being actress comes with commitment and lots of enduring. Many times, there are decisions to make. Should we go on? Or is it enough? Anne is a good example for junior, both Kim and James, doing their best and get over the hardship." Cr.fanpage Recon Pixel 


sarNie Hatchling
I'm so happy they finished filming but at the same time I'm sad because now I have to wait until they start promoting the lakorn. :woot2:
This couple looks so good :heart:


❤ BTS ❤
I love MK, but they're doing the most for publicity. Like those videos on Insta. I feel like they're just playing to make fans happy. But if its not real IDRC :/ or bother to fin. If they love each other like bro and sis, or lovers, it must be real. Not just trying to get fans. :( just want to see KIMJA though. Mark needs too much attention


sarNie Tombstone
Step said:
I miss you too Peace :kiss2: sorry for leaving you alone :p
no problem :highfive:  :highfive:  we are in the waiting mood anyway :ghehe: once this air the real party will begin  :party:  :party:  :party:  


sarNie Hatchling
Oh wow...they have a closing party already. Man time sure fly but that mean we will not have any update of KimJa until airing date...make me so sad!!!


sarNie Tombstone
1two3 said:
Oh wow...they have a closing party already. Man time sure fly but that mean we will not have any update of KimJa until airing date...make me so sad!!!
sadly yes  we will have no more kimja updates  only if they shared some pic during the time they filmed beside that until the airing time we probably not gonna see new updates of kimja :no:  it's really went soooo fast :weee: :weee: now keep waiting patiently 


sarNie Hatchling
To what i seen is that they have so little filming time...there are hardly any update or is that what Ann trying to do...surprise else when it aired???  :scratchhead2:  :scratchhead2:  Yeah, maybe that it!!  :dance3:  :dance3: