Just my input on Chaya's feeling for Nuth. Whether he's her real uncle or not it's still uncomfortable to think that he's in love with her. It's like you falling for your adopted brother/sister, there might not be a blood connection between you two but growing up together with the title as siblings or in this case uncle and niece it's still very wrong. For example, the kdrama Autumn in My Heart, I never get why it's so popular when I was gross out by the two main lead relationship, and they're not even blood related. But at the same time I do pity Chaya though, I feel like no one in the family truly appreciate him except for Nuth and maybe just maybe that's why he fell for her. Nuth seems to be the only one that gets him and takes his side whenever someone insults him, his mother on the hand is too nice to even have the gust to speak up for her own son, Nuth is different.
About Nuth having an input in Chaya's growing love for her, well I can see why
@MomRamy might think such way and I agree in some extent because in real life I too am not that close to my uncles at all

But I think the close age gap draws them closer. But I do have a question, have Nuth been in a relationship before? Because if she hasn't then I can understand her not knowing that her body language and the way she acts and treats her uncle can make him misunderstand. But if she has then she should definitely know there are limits to her affection towards her uncle.
And a little fyi, I just saw the today show with James and Kim and they're so cute. I think I love James even more now

He's the cutest cinnamon roll ever

When he got the title of the lakorn wrong and he was so embarrassed about it

cutest thing in the world! And how the host kept teasing him about it, awww he was sooooo cute. And someone mentioned before how we should cloned Kim for James and I soooo agree

But I feel like Kim only looks at James as a little brother which made me sad a bit. They're only a year apart, gosh Kim give James a break! Like when Kim said she always wanted to work with James and the look on his face was adorable until Kim stated her reason for wanting to work with him is because she wanted to work with a younger guy. He was disappointed

I was too James, I was too.