Thank u jelly... But I'm still confusing...What's the second point means?Kim press like for what picture? Why asking if Kimmy has a lakorn with TVscene? And what's the meaning of the second part......???Confusing confusing confusing! :scratchhead2:janajelly1 said:
I got the translation for this thanks to bubba ^__^
Here it is:
1. Thanks to the owner of the pictures.
2. I see that Kimmy press LIKE. Do you know if Kim will have a lakorn with TV scene?
3. I see that pe Aof Pongsuk said that he loves Ti. Do they know each other?
4. When will Ti ( is this James??) have a new lakorn? I want him to have a lot of lakorns.
Waiting for the reply na ka.
I'll answer na ka.
Will he have a lakorn with Kim or not? I don't know, so I won't say anything ka hahahahaha.
He prob. meet Aof at some works.
James will have a new lakorn. Waiting for pe Aar and the producer to announce.... (got cut off)
I see. James Ma looks super hansome in this pic I think there isn't a big possibility that Kimmy works with TV scene :scratchhead2:janajelly1 said:
I think they meant she liked this picture:
They're asking if she will have a lakorn with Tv Scene because she liked it, this makes them think that they might pair up together.
LOL. Looking forward to their sitting.janajelly1 said:James, Yaya, Kim all have Ch3 calendar signing on the same day... too much of a coincidence lol.
I'm gonna see who James is gonna sit next to that day XD