Ohhh i just watch ep7-2 with sub. why did Noot tell everything to Mee... For me, Mee is not a sincere friend from the beginning. She was the cause of all the news regarding Chaya-Noot. She was the one that exposed it to the public. If i were Noot, I wont forgive Mee. Mee also has hidden agenda...she like Chaya. Somehow, Mee is going to outburst the secret to Chaya without her knowing it.
Som is too much, now i hate to see her and i always skip.
Noot - Ohhh how i hate the word from her mouth. So highty mighty hi so. I am waiting for her to soften down
Wat - I hate the way he treated Som at the beginning, showing his concern, caring etc. His way will be easily misunderstood by Som..and causing her to like him. I also see the different facial expression he has toward Noot...he is fallen for Noot without him realizing it.
Su su KimJa