Okay first off, Chaya is a horrible person. Is he using Mee? Mee is so.....ugh! Girl get it together! He's using you! I think she asked to think about it when he asks her to be his girlfriend. I hope being a reporter will help her figure out his intention because she did think he's being oddly weird. Don't play with her feelings Uncle! As if I need more reasons to not to like him.
And about the pregnancy, I think it might not be Lek. I don't know about you guys but I don't trust that girl that claimed the child is his. There's something about her from the very first episode that makes me think she's going to bring more trouble to this drama than simply being an annoying employee/Lek's gf.
Love sleeping scene(s) both in Nuth's room and Mor's room. I really want to know what Mor said to Nuth at the scene when Mor was heading out to his mom at the stairs because Nuth blushed at his comment before he left. So cute. And the scene between Mor and his mom. I want to know what they're talking about for Nuth to react since way.
And how many shower scenes is James going to have because I think I need to prepare myself. I was not ready at all

That whole "getting hot" scene was hilarious

And the fact that his mom made more of the drink for them the next morning lol. What is she trying to do to them? As if they didn't suffer enough the night before trying to restrain themselves, but I guess I'm thankful for Mor's mom because if it wasn't for her drink or her fake sicken, we wouldn't have that sweet scene of Nuth sleeping in our Mor's embrace.
And the scene next morning when Som busted into their room and our otp woke up with shock at their sleeping position and separated themselves quickly until they realized Som is watching and they jumped right back into each other embrace

so funny these two. And of course Mor Wat took this opportunity to sneak a quick peek on his lovely wife's cheek.
Som is still annoying but her annoyance in this episode is more comical so I didn't mind it as much. But Chaya on the other hand, I really need to know what he's thinking. Like does he still think he and Nuth can still be something??? Why haven't we done anything to prove to him that he is indeed her UNCLE? I really need him to stop. The fact that he's not even trying to hide his jealousy or feelings to Nuth and is pretty open about it is psychotically disturbing.
And I guess we can all be happy now as the island scenes we all been waiting for is coming very soon, next episode it seems to be. The episode started out great and then things just got escalated so fast but overall it was a nice episode.