Credit to spicyforums. Toward the end you will see it. OMFG that part where Taew fell on top of Mario, it's was just so Hot! Mario is such a hotie and whatever he wears he look good in it. Hot hot Man! I so cannot wait for this lakorn. The bickering is so cute.
I'm glad you think so too. I watch that scene several times already. Wow! So cannot wait.You are so right THaiMovieLover...that scene hot!!!! Thanks for sharing...
Hahaha same here...I watch it so many time too!!!I'm glad you think so too. I watch that scene several times already. Wow! So cannot wait.
Lol. This lakorn is taking so long to air. I really miss seeing Taew and I love my man Mario. I want to see how many cute scene will Mario and Taew have.Hahaha same here...I watch it so many time too!!!
Yeah I hope so. Theirs a lot of lakorn that is going to air next might air after this months batches maybe end of April-May. :scratchchin: