[Ch3] Ruk Pathiharn (Maker Group)


Expired Sarnie
I'm watching this on silent, so...yeah..Alex was acting super dorky..don't know if that was called for, but it reminds me of Nadech. If it was called for, then I can see why Nadech was originally given this role. Lol.

That's why you do the opposite: make Alex look older. Derp. Despite his petite frame of course. Though I actually think they look about the same age most of the time, to be fair.
I think it has to be with, we grew up with knowing Alex as that little boy. It so hard breaking that childhood star image, at least for me that is. It is easier with the girls, you can age them by putting mountain of makeup on and dressing them up as adults lol


sarNie Oldmaid
I just read news from Dara Candy that Alex is going to Military March on March 18th. I'm worried that we might not get to see this lakorn before this year ends since I don't know how it's possible to keep filming when Alex has to leave for Military March. :scratchhead2: Hopefully Alex decides to postpone it but then they would push him to go sooner in the future like how they have with Aof Chanapol and Mario.


sarNie Adult
How long will he be gone then ? Is it possible to postpone it ?

P/S : Can someone please explain a bit about this Military March thing ? Thanks!


imma kick ur-ass-aya !
I'm so behind on all the updates but what the heck, they want Kim to slim down? :scratchhead2: Leave her alone, she's already got the perfect body

Mint is soo cute! I'm loving the dark brown hair a lot better than the dark blonde colour she had before. I personally think she looks older than Alex because of the make up and her height. Like Bliss said, Alex has a small frame and baby face so putting the two together makes them look more like siblings. But hey we maybe wrong. I'm anticipating this lakorn along with Tawan Deud and Game Rai Phai Ruk.


sarNie Oldmaid
so what is happening with Alex? will he be in still or postpone already but i hope not cos i wanna see him and Mint
bickering one another.
You can read it here in English: http://j-dimanh.com/daracandy/?p=873

I dunno what's going to happen in this lakorn too b/c Alex might leave for military march! I doubt they will cancel this lakorn since after all it as big casting like Mart, Kim, Mint, Sinitra, and Jane ^__^ But on the other hand, I don't want the producers to postpone filming and wait for Alex to return b/c that will be a long while. I want to see this lakorn by end of this year. It will be if Alex does leave and not be in this lakorn anymore. I'm afraid they can't find anyone better than Alex for this role since they can't even get Mark or Nadech anymore. :p


sarNie Tombstone
You can read it here in English: http://j-dimanh.com/daracandy/?p=873

I dunno what's going to happen in this lakorn too b/c Alex might leave for military march! I doubt they will cancel this lakorn since after all it as big casting like Mart, Kim, Mint, Sinitra, and Jane ^__^ But on the other hand, I don't want the producers to postpone filming and wait for Alex to return b/c that will be a long while. I want to see this lakorn by end of this year. It will be if Alex does leave and not be in this lakorn anymore. I'm afraid they can't find anyone better than Alex for this role since they can't even get Mark or Nadech anymore. :p
Oh thanx 4 the info link. I hope they won't cancel this whole lakorn otherwise I'm going to be so piss at Ch3 4 doing that.
If Alex his out and they can't get either Mark or Barry why they can't think carefully there is some out there they can decide
sample like Mario his tall and has that baby face feature.


sarNie Oldmaid
Oh yeah, totally forgot about Mario. He would be a great choice to replace Alex too but other than that I can't see anyone else! Yikes. Mario's got the height even though his frame is pretty small like Alex. Hehe. He's got the babyface too xD!


sarNie Tombstone
Oh yeah, totally forgot about Mario. He would be a great choice to replace Alex too but other than that I can't see anyone else! Yikes. Mario's got the height even though his frame is pretty small like Alex. Hehe. He's got the babyface too xD!
Cross fingers for Mario him and Mint will look cute if they bicker one another. Hey Mario start with a M too.


sarNie Oldmaid
Cross fingers for Mario him and Mint will look cute if they bicker one another. Hey Mario start with a M too.
LOL, yeah too many daras that start with M! Hehe. Mark, Mart, Mario, Mint Chalida, Mint Natwara, Matt, Mew, Mai, and Margie.. :facepalm: Ehe.

Mario would look really cute with Mint too. I loved Mario since I saw his early photoshoot during his younger year. I'm anticipating for his lakorn with Taew :D Hope it airs soon.

Next I want to see him with Mint Chalida and Yaya. They are the only younger nang'ek that still can have the baby face to suit him ^__^ Even Taew looks a bit mature for him in Plerng Torranang b/c of her wardrobe.


sarNie Adult
I don't think they'll cancel it. It'll waste too much time and efforts don't you think? If Alex doesn't postpone it, I think they'll probably replace him or have the scriptwriter cut out Mint and Alex's storyline. That's probably the wisest choice to save their efforts.


sarNie Oldmaid
No. I doubt they will cute Mint/Alex scripts out b/c they already have Mint! Let's see what will happen. It may be false news about Alex going to MM. Who knows.


sarNie Coma
More likely they would replace alex. They wouldn't cancel the lakorn nor would they wait for him if its gonna be awhile


sarNie Tombstone
More likely they would replace alex. They wouldn't cancel the lakorn nor would they wait for him if its gonna be awhile
That situation is the same as Rome for Roy Mai they can't wait for him cos they're rushing to film and air it on time
cos other cast has their own duty in lakorn yes i doubt they will find someone to replace Alex, Mario is a good sample. :thumbsup:


Is your "nom" Fai-approved?
Agreed. Mario would be a very nice choice. actually, imagining Mario with Mint, they might look even cuter than her with Alex lol

anywho, i wonder how Mint and Kim will meet and relate in here


imma kick ur-ass-aya !
Mario would be a suitable replacement of things don't turn out. I can't think of any other younger actors that would look good with Mint