[Ch3] Ruk Pathiharn (Maker Group)


sarNie Oldmaid

Awww. Alex is making my heart flutter! *butterflies in my stomach*

I've always adored Alex. However, he hasn't got a good lakorn script as praek until now. So happy for him! :)


sarNie Tombstone
wow so romantic and fun sad at the same time just a couple of weeks left till 25th October it will arrive :dance3: :thumbsup:


Staff member
thanks :D

i like alex, he's a good actor.. it's amazing to see how much he's grown up ever since i saw him in the lakorn with chakrit and marsha hehe. i think the only reason why he's never gonna really get p'ek roles is because of his young look. he still looks like a child.. and we like our p'eks to look like a bad boy lol.. j/k j/k.. but i do think it's because of his child-like face.. hmm.


sarNie Oldmaid
Love the wardrobe, make-up, and scenery! The OST is so beautiful too. :wub:

I think Mint is guest starring here for Alex sitcom that has been airing for quite a while now.


sarNie Oldmaid
Mint is getting prettier with time and her body curvier


imma kick ur-ass-aya !
Thanks everyone for sharing all the pictures and videos. I'm already loving this lakorn! The make up, warbrobe, chemistry pairing and scenery are all so breathtaking! October really seems to be "the" month for me!