I guess I had watch it so many times that I kind of got to understand their characters at heart, so is hard for me to see pretty boy plays the part of a MATURE man whose has lives the life of war, a rebel and a cold hard killer. That's why I can't seem to watch a 20's something taking on these kind of roles.
I want to see the older generation of p'ek to take this roles, like Tik, Ken, Andrew, Aum (your choice

) .
P'ek suppose to be mature man of many seasons, not wet behind the ears to act like he been thru war, when he doesn't seems like he hit puberty yet. :sweat: His skills doesn't even have to be upto par with Likit, but at least look the part and KNOW how to act the parts.

hew: Is that too much for me to ask for?

hew: :shrug:

And yes n'ek packed it with the help of the casts that played as p'ek's men (followers) so those men has to be very important too.

lolz :ghehe: now I beginning to think that I asks a bit much of ch3 to delivers HAHAHA :lolyup: :rofl: