The police reported that they have found Tanong so Thann hire body guards to protect Kew and Anima.
Anima does not like it that she is being followed every where. Kew also has two guards staying in front of her house. Korn thought it was funny and said that Anima looks like a mafia's daughter.
At the cottage that Tanong is hiding out, he has a picture of Thann on the wall. He cut his finger and smeared the blood all over the picture and laugh like a lunatic.
Kew got home and tells the guard they can leave but was told they are on the watch 24/7 and has to pick and drop her off everywhere. Korn, " You wanted to have a rich boyfriend who is over the top is like being in a prison. Kew," just think of it that we have a free security to look after our house."
Kew called Thann, "can you take the body guards back?" Thann," No, not until Tanong is arrested. Kew,"but I am embarrass by it." Thann," I'm worried about you. If I could tie you to me, I would do it already." Kew,"Hurry up and practice your power so you could it to protect yourself".
Thann was leaving the office, Tanong dressed as an employee was waiting for him with a knife at a parking lot. However, Thann walked out with two body guards with him so Tanong left in anger.
Champagne visit Korn at the coffee shop and has an argument with Anima. Korn asked her to leave but she accused him of taking Anima's side and is mad at him. Tanong was watching from the outside and came up with an idea for his evil plan. Champagne walked out of the coffee shop and Tanong followed her to the car. She tells Tanong that Anjma has been a nuisance since her and Thann and now again with her and her new love.
Pu and Thong come over to Kew's house and has an altercation with the guards. Kew asked the guards to let the guys in since they are her friends. Thann also come over so Pu and Thong left.
Thann, 'Pu only has one love and he is so determined to charm you."
Kew,"I obviously show that I'm not interested. I don't know what else to do."
Thann, "don't slip and have a soft heart for him"
Kew,"well, I do feel sorry for him"
Thann got closer, "don't you dare."
Kew,"what rights do you have to stop me"
Thann,"the rights that I'm your boyfriend. Promise you won't have a soft heart (spot) for Pu"
Kew smiley shyly and said no. Thann pull her in for a hug and tell her to promise. She tell him to let her go but inside she is happy. He is happy too.
That night Tanong killed a taxi driver and takes the taxi so he can use it to pick up Anima. Anima asked Korn to help trick the body guards so she can sneak out to join her friends for a night out. She was able to leave without them seeing and then got inside Tanong's taxi.