tgamber said:
Not James, how about Pope? They were so cute in tawan deurd as second leads or Alex? I endured terrifying acting of Smart in ruk pathiharn for them.
I liked the majority of her P'eks. :3
But yes, I loved the chemistry with Pope and Alex!!!!
Pope offscreen, always seems to be the quieter type compared to other p'eks.
But onscreen, they were so playful and I absolutely loved it!!! I would love him to play a bossy p'ek, and her be fiesty n'ek together. His character from Buang as the annoying playboy, but when he falls, have him be like his character from Tawan Deurd.
As for Alex and Mint.
I was surprised by the amazing chemistry onscreen, considering how close they are offscreen.
They forever consider one another brother and sister to one another and positively supports one another from young.
I really enjoy their friendship.
I'd love for them to play similar characters to Ruk Pathiharn, but Mint's character just be a more mature but keeping the playfulness.