
sarNie Adult
Wow...Pope is looking very handsome and Mew is very pretty...I start to liking Pope more and more. khu chai the character and Pope is just perfect for this role................can't wait for tomorrow. 
Also I really like to watch when all the five brothers come together...those scenes are my favorite in the series...


sarNie Juvenile
Wow mew is petite..she's like 5'2" something lolz...
But I find her cute and natural and her acting is decent for a newbie and not stiff lolz...


❤All that you are is all that I'll ever need❤
I'm shipping this couple...Mew & Pope i mean...can't wait until tomorrow..dying to see Mew & Pope starting their romance!


sarNie Adult
I HATE GRANDMA OON SO MUCH, I JUST WANT TO KILL HER ... She look down on Khun Chai Ruj since he was born!! She can go to hell. I can never forgive her.
The SJ brothers are so cute when they are young... Chai Roonnapee so mean, lol.
Ruj's story is so sad but powerful meaning behind it all. Love Pope and Mew together.
Loving the second series so much more! Yay~


loool Mew is petite.  I thought it was obvious. lol
Most girls sport heels anyway. As long as they look good, I don't see why there's complaints. -.-


sarNie Adult
Maprang was such a sweet nang'ek. Sometimes Rasa annoys me because she is so full of her pride -- Ruj is so sweet and such a loving guy.
All the brothers have something unique about them. Khun Chao Yai is the wise one. Ruj always understanding, helping, and loving. Pat is the serious one and thinks deeply. The two younger brother always the adventurous and fun ones, lol, that immature but yet so cute!!
Ruj has such a painful past but I think Ronnapee will have the most painful present life in his series because he will suffer the most being the last one to desire the grandma's wishes.


❤All that you are is all that I'll ever need❤
Say pics time lol
CR: yossiebistro's Ig

Khun Chai Yai & Maprang, Khun Chai Ruj & Than Ying Rasa, Khun Chai Pat & Bella...sorry dont know her character name hehehe
Cr: Mew Nittha's ig

Cr: Preem's ig



Yaam said:
Maprang was such a sweet nang'ek. Sometimes Rasa annoys me because she is so full of her pride -- Ruj is so sweet and such a loving guy.
She's actually NOT "full of her pride" at all.  She is only bitter because Chai Ruj does not recognize her a bit.  Her bitterness is a bit overwhelming sometimes but it's not because she's prideful.  Prideful would be something like "I'm too good for you."  Rasa actually wants K'Chai to recognize her but he doesn't remember at all.


The first three series had their closing ceremony last night. So sad to see them leave but they're so beautiful together and we will see them again in their future lakrons.
I don't know ha ha ha. I'm so digging Jirayu and Mew. lol Jirayu somehow always manages to get in pictures with Mew or either some crew purposely set them up. lol :p  How I dream that Mew+Jirayu will pair up really soon!! **Saatuu!!** :dance1:  :drools:  :woot:  :wink:













cr. SJ FB


sarNie OldFart
:heart: Pope (never cared for him before) Chai Ruj is soo sweet, I like the way he the ost


sarNie OldFart
pink_juliet_kashie said:
Thank you so much. This Miniezmin is amazing at how fast she gets her vdos subbed.
Btw I must say Ive only watched the first 20mins and I am in love. Cannot wait to continue.
No problem.  I love your signature gifs. Is that you with Nadech? Sorry, off topic here. hahha.. If so, aww. you are
lucky to see him. :) I believe that was when he and yaya came to California for the Lays thingy.


sarNie Adult
Khun Chai Pawornruj is already airing?! OMG! So that means Khun Chai Totatorn has already ended? I admit, I stopped watching at part 4 or 5. It just didn't catch my attention anymore. But Khun Chai Pawornruj is a must watch!! And Nadech & Yaya came to California?!!!! How did I miss that?! I should have seen them! When did they come? And where? Off-topic but yeah.