Alice said:
haha Maiko my friend i am also agreeing with you Mint Chalida does suit all those handsome guys
:yes: :highfive:
Chalida's my bias, so I was extremely giddy seeing just her and the guys. Such a player! xD Bad girl! But great job on snaring those guys!

She looks super happy with all the handsome guys hehe. Now that I went back to see the picture again, I just noticed that James Ma's hand is covering hers. His arm is wrapped around her waist and look where their hands are laying!!! :shock2: :faint: Holy moly, that's so adorable, hawt, romantic, and sneaky!

ervie: :wub: :coverlaf: Even though I love and miss Mteam, heck, I love seeing Chalida with James Ma.

Just like Mteam, they make a beautiful, hot, and sweet couple. :spin: :drools: Perfect bride and groom! Waiting impatiently for their story now... :teary:
Nice to see that Pope is on her other side in the picture. x]