I agree with Fun, I ship Pope&Mew because of their cuteness on screen and would love to see them with another lakorn. :

I think fans should not be so serious dara pairing because usually it will come and go... It was all because of the current lakorn that still in hype... maybe when STT on-air, Pope&Ploy will be the next buzz....
I'm not sure what have you came across Alice but Verasalon is not a fan actually. She is a Ch3 stylist who work in K.C. Pawornruj team. It's true that she like to post about Pope&Mew but I think she's pretty natural, she did post about Ploy as well since she's been working with Madam Dun team but mostly she will post about lakorn that she's involved with. About disliking Mteam, I don't think it was like that... Obviously she has no reason to dislike Mteam. :scratchhead2: