sarNie Oldmaid
This lakorn was confirmed at about the same time 4 Hua Jai was too, I believe if you backtrack to the first page but I'm sure Yaya & Mark would co-star along the future anyhow if not this lakorn.Yes yes yes, I cannot wait.
I still find it a little... no wait, A LOT
weird that yaya is the lead with Mark and
not Mint. I really wish Mint was the lead.
I can't imagine Mark and Yaya's love scene
together. I wonder if Mint get jealous? lol
And maybe Mark gets jealous of Mint's love
scene too. Geez weirddd!! LOL.
I adore Mteam but not in Pathapee Leh Ruk.
I thought that their love scene was rushed
and awkward. Maybe it's just me.
LOl, there was rumors about Mark being upset when Pope & Mint filmed their first love scene for this lakorn..
It's okay. I understand some fans did like them in PLR and some didn't, it's understandable^^ I watched BTS clips/fitting for 4 Hua Jai before it aired so I really fell inlove with the concept of that series and the coupless right away at first sight.. Hehe, not knowing how their on-screen chemistry or series was but regardless the flaws I loved them already so it made me love their series too despite how much I rant about it's flaws.. LOl.