[Ch3] Tawan Deard (Metha Mahaniyom)


sarNie OldFart
Okay!! I'm Finished with episode 7!On my way to watch Friday,Yesterday,and today's episode!! Oh my gosh, my man Mark have improve so much on his acting!YAY!!!! Loving him!!


sarNie Hatchling
Just got done watching ep 8, 9, 10...now I have to rant:

Ep 8 was soooooooo boring, Yaya said the cave scene was her favorite scene, sorry girl but it was long and boring. Yaya looks cool with the gun but her actual fighting can use some improvement, she was flailing all over the place. I am becoming more annoyed with Phetloom, Suer has already confessed how he feels about her, but she acts all stuck up like she doesn't feel anything for him, then when he acts like he doesn't care about her, she think she has the right to go and slap him, I also don't like how she always insults him because of her jealousy.

And omg, what a let a down, I thought the hot sheriff was going to be a good guy, but he turns out to be a real A-hole.

I felt bad for Ploykwan when she was crying over Suer, but I don't like how she gives Phetloom crap because of Suer. I feel wishy-washy about ploykwan, sometimes I think she overdoes it, but then she's also super adorable at times (when she played the trick on that wanna-be japanese assitant, when she dressed up in attempt to impress suer and fell off the horse on her bottom, etc...). But I like Ploykwan overall because she doesn't take crap from anyone.

Yaya and Mark better not be lying when they said Mint and Pope will have more love scenes, because so far there has been more phetloom and suer than singh and ploykwan love scenes. My heart is just crying out for more sing-ploykwan love. Especially because Singh is quickly becoming my dream guy, lol. He's such a badass but also very soft at heart, I love that he doesn't take crap from anyone, but he's not a trouble maker, he just stands up for what he thinks is right. He's so charming and faithful, espcially to ploykwan and Suer. When everyone was telling him that Suer cant be trusted, he never cared. And OMG, he totally made my heart melt with that one line he said; Ploykwan tells him that she can't change her heart to love him, he responds that he knows. Then she asks if he regrets helping her (since she doesn't love him), he responds that he would regret it more if he didn't do it. AAHHHHH!!!!! Its so sad that he always gets his ass beat everytime he tries to be a hero for Ploykwan, then Suer always come in and save the day...so unfair, but all the more reason as to why I admire Singh...he doesn't give up, he just keeps doing what he thinks is right. Ploykwan needs to hurry up and fall for him already before I write another rant essay!!! LOL.


imma kick ur-ass-aya !
lol bb_ny, i feel ya! Ep 8 was kinda boring but I think the reason why Yaya said it's her favourite scene is because Yaya is normally a romantic person. I wouldn't blame just Yaya but everyone in the lakorn doesn't seem to do well with the fighting scenes. Well that's just my opinion. Even though this suppose to be a cow boy style and different, that whole aspect to me isn't impressive at all. The gun shooting, fighting, horse riding all lacks intensity. I lower my standards though since this is not an American film but I give P'Nok credits for his creativity and efforts.

I'm actually a little annoyed by Phetroong as well but I try to keep in mind that her character is leader and she's a tough girl so in wouldn't be very realistic for her to be emotional all the time. Please correct me if I'm wrong but I didn't actually catch that Suer said he loved Phetroong yet. He's also in denial too because he still wants to revenge her father but yet he loves her. I'm dying for Suer to confess to her that he's actually her childhood friend Tawan.

I kinda have a love hate relationship with Ploykwan's character. She's basically the one that adds the spice to the lakorn and she can be very adorable which I like. What I don't like is that she's somewhat selfish about her love. I always hate lakorns where a character likes someone and doesn't confess to them yet acts all protective and jealous. Uhm, they're not your posession so you can't stop them from loving someone else. She's also really daring but she then she questions Singh why he'd risk his life to beat the Sheriff. She knows what he did was foolish but she doesn't realize that some times she does the same thing too? HA! I also came to realize that I don't sense a very strong interaction between the sisters.

Overall, Singh's character is my favourite. There's only 5 more eps sooooo I hope Ploykwan starts liking Singh real soon and the love triangle would just stop. It's time for some truths to be revealed now!


sarNie Adult
I love yaya's character. Actually, I love everyone in here...well, though the bad guys make me dislike them but is a good thing. good acting right?

I give credit for this lakorn because is the first cowboy action so so far is pretty cool I like it!


I "here, here" to Singh being my favorite character. Pope is...*sigh*

I am totally enjoying this. Yaya is doing wonderful. The whole cast & crew are doing a great job!

BB_NY & Chubbycheeks, I really enjoyed your rants!!! :)


imma kick ur-ass-aya !
Lol, yes JennieN it's good acting :) P'Johnny, P'Don, P'Beam they're all very convincing in their roles. I actually like Yaya's character for the most part but there's times when she's such a tough cookie and I'd wish she'd soften up! But then that just shows us that she's a versatile actress because in reality, she's a sweetheart!

I guess my expectations were a bit too high. I was preparing myself for some overwhelming scenes but sadly, the fighting stances are slow for my personal liking and everything is so. . moderate? Okay that's the end of my rant -.- Please forgive me.

Haha, that's nice to hear Bong Dal. At least you don't feel tempted to throw something at me. I make it sound like I'm not enjoying the lakorn but really, I think it's pretty good. I have to admit this weekend's slots were boring but again, I hope things will speed up.


sarNie Hatchling
What r u talking about!!! i love Petchrong's character. She so tough yet soft at the same time and she is pretty reasonable. I actually don't like Ploykwan that much but she is getting better now.Singh is cute and I think Petchroong just have a soft spot for Seur thats why she acts like that.You have to understand that he wants to KILL her father. Overall im enjoying this drama. And just so you know they adding more episodes now.


sarNie Adult
I love both Rong and Ploykwan...I mean, their cute little hugs and eye contacts is sweet. They portray well since they are bestie in real life!


imma kick ur-ass-aya !
I totally understand but that's just MY personal opinion and evaluation on Phetroong's character. Don't get me wrong, I like Roong and I adore Yaya a lot to even consider watching this lakorn. But I'm being honest with myself that Phetroong's character is not my absolute favourite and I have to give that position to the lovely Singh! He's definitely stealing the show for me. Anyhow, they're adding one more episode so TD will end on the 18th and Roy Marn will air on the 23rd instead.


I wonder how they're going to extend it? Go shoot more scenes or edit in more scenes? I hope turns out well. The whole production & editing has been good so far. I don't want this ruined because they added an extra episode.




False promotion, I guess. Lol. Or sometimes even actors can misinterpret their own projects. Mint said PLR would be fun, look how that turned out. Huhu.

I actually love Ploykwan as much as I love Singh--and I love Singh a lot. It's too bad his role seems to be minor compared to the other three pranangs since his main purpose seems to be more a source of emotional support for Ploykwan.

On Petroong-Ploykwan, I must say that I'm actually surprised how each of their personalities turned out. Watching the teasers, I expected the love triangle to play a bigger part in the story, but it's actually more of a very small, side story. I also expected Ploykwan to be the "annoying one", to basically butt in and be a third wheel in Seur and Petroong's love, but it hasn't happened yet and none of her actions were geared toward that aim. If anything, Petroong was actually the one to butt in between Ploykwan and Seur first for a brief moment in ep 3. I think the teaser played a large part in creating certain preconceived expectations.

Honestly, I would not be able to like Ploykwan if she turned on her sister just because of a guy. I hate it when friends or siblings turn on each other just because they're competing for the same love interest.

It's a good thing the love triangle dilemma for Seur and Singh was also very brief and kept to a minimum. Immediately after their fist fight, they still remained good friends.

I think eventually, Ploykwan will realize that she actually doesn't love Seur. From what I gather, subconsciously, Ploykwan feels a sort of bond with him because they are related by blood. She also views Petroong as a competition because she has an inferiority complex that was more than likely developed since childhood. You can tell from the first episode and then in ep. 8 when she embraced Singh's comfort simply b/c he told her she will always be his number one. Seur's feelings alone or lack of feelings for her isn't the real source of her insecurity. The big troubles that she gets herself into has nothing to do with seeking his affections.

On the other hand, Seur's affections matter a lot to Phetroong. A lot of the mistakes and offenses she makes revolves around his actions or perceived actions. One evidence is when she fired him out of an impulse of jealousy. She didn't take the time to accurately gauge the situation and claimed she fired Seur b/c he was flirting with Ploykwan. Yet, when Ploykwan had to explain how irrational Phetroong's decision was and basically alluded to Singh being the guy who was making moves on her and not Seur, it still didn't change Phetroong's focus from Seur to Singh. This is actually what distinguishes the Roong-Seur pair and Kwan-Singh pair. The former's in denial while the later is always honest about their feelings. Koo neung, pak mai throng gub jai, eek koo, ruk gaw bok wa ruk, glied gaw bok wa glied.

And actually, there are many other instances that indicate to me Phetroong's not emotionally equipped to be a leader. But the burden and pressure were only thrown at her because her father left in such an urgent fashion.

On the actors themselves, if I have to comment on only one, it'd be Pope. I'm glad he's with Channel 3. He hasn't taken on any full-status pra-aek roles, but somehow, he's managed to capture the hearts of many viewers. I've watched a few clips from Doks Som See Thong, Buang, and Game Rai Game Ruk, and I must say, I'm really enthralled. I didn't expect to see an actor who is capable of giving that soft, indescribably adoring gaze to their nang aeks. Just the way he looks at them, it gives you the feeling that he really appreciates their touches. Lol. I thought only Ken was capable of that.

Anyways. This is totally counter-intuitive considering I had so much to say, (but then I usually always have a lot to say) but OVERALL, I think Tawan Deard can be pretty boring.

Also, found this @ChalidaClub in Pantip


sarNie Juvenile
honestly to me the last episodes were really entertaining
and i was a little surprised when you guys said it was boring o.0

about pethroong, it's like seuar said before, she was a crybaby but also a mischievous, stubborn child (and obviously is now too) - if she likes something she won't share it with anyone and if she doesn't like something noone will be able to force her to.
i think those lines of seuar describe her perfectly and explain a lot why she's acting the way she is. she cried when she accidentally whipped seuar and everybody looked at her shocked plus she cried when seuar congratulated her about her wedding. if ploykwan or the pub girl get close to seuar she gets incredibly jealous where she can't think straight anymore, even though she's supposed to be the smart one out of the sisters. as for her fiancee she won't let him close. despite the fact she herself said she'll learn to love him she doesn't make any effort here...
i actually like nangeks with these type of personalities, i'm bored of goody-two-shoes. i like when a character is more complex, has some not so perfect parts but at the core is still good

as for singh, i don't know why but i don't really see his appeal. he looks kinda dumb to me as he's unable to think up any strategies other than using his fists. i'm actually suprised he's still alive considering the fact he isn't that strong either...