[Ch3] Tayard Asoon (D One TV)


sarNie Coma
Benz look pretty! Im.happy to see her back. I wonderwhat happened to most of the older gen. They don't have lakorn out anymore.

Is there 2 pairing here. The lakorn sounds familiar. Im sure its a remake.

Thanks kriss


Staff member
Thanks for sharing!  I'm glad Benz is still getting work, hopefully the other older gens will too!  Benz looks beautiful!
And YAY!!! Nat is in here too!  I'm just happy he's in more prime lakorns :D :D :D


sarNie Adult
I think amy klinpratom is n,ek in the old version n hugo is p,ek.nok sinjai was magic I think she's the asoon bad. I still don't get the storyline


sarNie Adult
More pics fitting of Benz Pornchita










sarNie Hatchling
Little22, Yepp Amy and Nok Sinaji were in the older version. I watched the lakorn and the movie and didn't like either lol. I don't even know why they're remaking it again. 


sarNie Juvenile
not feeling the young casts, but I hope this channel doesn't disappoint me.
cuz this is one of my fav. lakorn pee
note" Benz is a good replace for Nok


sarNie Adult
Opening Ceremony
Benz Pornchita as Woranart




Yaiya Warinlada as Warin

Nat Nattarat as Sontust

Warin and Sontust



Hem Hemmawat as Ratcharote

Carisa Springette as Naiyaneth

Ratcharote and Naiyaneth


Charm Aiyarin as Nilubol


Angsana Buranont as Sudaduang


sarNie Adult
Cr. #instagram
imhhem45, warin_lada, carissa_spg, tucktiik, porsh_akkanat, d_one_tv



















`my dragon's blood is blue`
Happy for Nut. He has more work. He's not the greatest actor but I have such a soft spot for him.
Not sure how I feel of his n'ek, Yaiya. She looks like a baby still. lol


This one looks interesting as well. Gosh, so many good looking lakorns this year. The teaser got me grossed out though when the bugs came out of their mouths. Ugh. Benz always does a superb job at her job. :)


Staff member
The t-ser aint bad.  I'm just not used to these newbies.
And Nat, Nat, Nat... you just love working with the horror genre huh? 555, I kid, I kid.  I wish he would've been in a regular normal lakorn.. sigh... oh well, just knowing that he'll be on prime time makes me happy :)