[Ch3] Torranee Ni Nee Krai Krong (No Problem)


imma kick ur-ass-aya !
No problem ladies.

What does it mean? No one knows except for Mae Kaew and Yadech themselves : ) Time can prove everything.


sarNie Hatchling
I 100% agree here . People should'nt look down on other idol. Everyone love different thing. You can't suppose other to think the same.

Thank you CC for the quite of Mark Tawin word . I like that. Keep it in mind


Staff member
My sister posted this on her facebook and i totally agree with it during this YADECH hard time lol
"Let no man pull you low enough to hate him" -- Martin Luther King Jr. (To be wise, one needs to think like the wise)


imma kick ur-ass-aya !
^ very pretty. i dont mind the granny dress haha. btw, im not the 'one' who thinks the dress looks granny but many other ppl think that way so i thought it'd be funny to incorporate the term in my comment lol.


sarNie Adult
lol "granny" dress...I like the dress...it a bit busy..i like the pattern in the middle, it would have been better if the rest of the dress was a solid color


imma kick ur-ass-aya !
Yaya can have the ugliest outfits on and still look so beautiful because she wears the clothes, not the clothes wears her. haha bias right? lmfao. but that's just 'my' personal opinion.


sarNie Hatchling
Everyone cheer up :). with all the negative vibe going around, my happy spirit will disappear and it's not a good thing if that happen when fianl is just around the corner :(. We should think positive because we are all mature and take action in what we do. To make everyone think positive, happy, and maybe give you a little laugh, I'll share something that happen to Yaya and my baby sister who is only three and being three she has a thing with cute guys like coughcoughnadechcoughcough, sorry I must be getting sick ;) haha. Anyways i was rewatching DJA on my big screen tv, my baby sister happen to be watching it with me, like i mention she has a thing for cute guys. If you guys remember the part about the trophy incident where Yaya climbed over the white fence and went to punch Fai, will after that punch, my baby went to slap Yaya on the tv screen and shouted 'bad' giving her a look. Couldn't stop myself from laughing, i only wish i recorded what she did. I hope this brighten up the mood everyone was feeling cause it did to me :) now I'm happy again hehe.

If I offended anyone, I am truly sorry and sorry for not spazzing about TNKK and wasting space in this form and wasting your time to reading my comment. But I am not sorry for trying to make everyone smile because we need to smile to make life beautiful :).