sarNie Adult
Thank youTikKenAnnLakornFan said:Oh my, sorry gals for being stingy. LOL. I'll message it to you LoveAnne_T.
Thank youTikKenAnnLakornFan said:Oh my, sorry gals for being stingy. LOL. I'll message it to you LoveAnne_T.
LoveAnne_T said:I know...Right now I asked many of my friends to spam on P'Nutt FB LOL..
We want to see the kissing scene part...This is our goal LOL
LoveAnne_T said:Thank you)).
That okay, just don't forget about us and our thread...We will be here....I let you go than and talk to you later .TikKenAnnLakornFan said:Yeah. I was about to go, but then I saw your posts about my siggie. LOL. It'll be a couple days before I come back. I'm going to be quite busy these next few days.
Good morning my friend......Yep, I was so lonely but that is okay because I know you girls are sleepingphatboy said:Good morning LoveAnne!!!
Hehe. I see you've been lonely since I left...
Well, fear not!
For I shall be here to accompany you for the next 30 mins or so!
AnTi-spam: YLC
Welcome home LoveKimAnnLoveKimAnn said:LoveAnnT I'm home lol.
I just wanted to say that I just finished watching SB. All I have to say is that the lakorn is the best of the best. Sorry off topic.
LOL...Glad that I wasn't here at that timeiluvnumandoil said:Back in the days there use to be a fan war between sawan bieng and jamleuy ruk... those were the days lol
Can you try whenever you have time???? I can waitiluvnumandoil said:Im so rusty, i haven't done any in so long.
hahahaha....I don't know why either that I also love aggressive pra-ek...I want to see Tik in that way. Hope P'Jaew won't make us so disappointed....Kayla said:Fan wars will always exist no matter what day and age. Funny because I happened to enjoy both lakorns! I loved aggressive, sadistic p'ek though - even though sometimes their action is too over the top. Realistically, if it was not a lakorn, he would be a psycho in real life LOL
iluvnumandoil said:Kayla whats up with annik poster and banner lol