Ah, that explains your absence! :coverlaf: Oh, yes... Those ugly, skinny jeans! :mellow: How I miss the old style jeans for guys.

Really now?

You'd love to see them in another period lakorn? :huh: They've been in two already. :lolyup: Grr, I'm still so mad that
SSP didn't turn out the way I wanted it to for our Gilly! :rant: And as for
Sao Noi, well, I already said that Gilly was the main highlight of the lakorn, even though poor Guy wasn't the p'ek. :teary: Mmm, great, now I want to re-watch their scenes in

ervie: You want a fresh storyline for them in a period lakorn or a remake?

How about a remake of Aom and Tik's
Luerd Kattiya/
Luad Khattiya (
The Princess), huh? Although, that isn't a period lakorn haha.

Guy in a soldier's uniform would be a hot sight! :drool: