I don't like how they have Min speaking so...stiffly. i know she's trying to show that she's strong, but at some lines, it sounds emotionless like she's reading. but gosh i feel so bad for her. that buncha and tuptim are both such pigs! :thumbdown: it made me so sad hearing Krachao say that Tupe and Tien better prepare flowers and candles to apologize to her, because sounded like at that point, she just hated the both of them. poor girl.
yep, Tupe is yet again the one who goes after her. he will always see more of her than Tien, so it just shows who much Tien and Krachao aren't meant to be.
I hope Mee gives Tien more scolding. he can be mad at Krachao, it's understandable, but his reaction, partying and getting drunk is useless, plus getting mad at Mee when she's such a good friend is :numchuck: