Agreed with everything you said... After the slapping and willing scene I began hating Bee Sawiss with passion!!!! No girl should ever be treated that way... I hope Mai's characters is much stronger than Kob's cause she so was Blind and Bunya Orn lol... I hope this isn't going to be a disappointment..... LolI can't imagine Win in P'Bee Sawis' role. P'ek is such a dick in this. I remember getting annoyed of how naive the n'ek was. P'ek slaps n'ek and n'ek still sleeps with him after. P'ek never trusted or truly loved the n'ek, when she was pregnant p'ek denied the baby. Hopefully they change some things around and not make it as long as the old one. I remember crying because the n'ek's brother dies.........dang i hated so many things about this lakorn :numchuck: . I'll watch the remake though............