Credit for IG link.
Must be ending scene scream .
Ahhhhhhhhh! Thanks for the spoiler! I love how effortlessly Mick looks when he carries Pim

And I think there should be 13 episodes instead of 12, just because I feel like the last episode would be rush with only 12. Like
@menam mentioned, I, too, thought all the angst will be resolve in this week episodes and the final episode will be the reconciliation of our otp. But now we have another kidnap to go through....and it seems like the gang problem has yet to be resolve, and I'm still pending to see Chenming's reaction when he finds out what his brother did to Botan. Is he going to find out? I really want him to though, just because I feel like he got the easy way out with all these years of misunderstanding his best friend. Daniel is suffering so much, but yet he keeps it to himself and I really need Chenming to know how great his best friend is.
I've been holding back from watching this week episodes just because I don't want to be all depressed this weekend after watching them, since it's a weekend holiday for me. But I've been so spoiled from IG, that I end up watching it anyways lol. I'm just so frustrated with Daniel. I'm watching it without subs so I don't understand every details, but I can guess what's his motive is and it's so heartbreaking to see my girl Fahsai cries and cries and cries

Why does he have to do something so useless like this? Sometimes I don't understand Daniel at all. At one moment he's on his feet fighting for his life to be with her, even with his dad objection and the danger he knows she might have to go through, but yet he's still fighting for that "freedom." But now all of a sudden he has given up everything and worst of all, he's marrying THAT Kwan???? I just don't understand. I get that the truth of Botan's so-called betrayal and her lost hits him hard, and he doesn't want this same thing to happen to his now love of his life, but this is not the way to protect her. Fahsai is now like a walking zombie, her heart is broken, she lives now with so much sorrow, it hurts. And why would he think pushing her to Chenming is going to be any less dangerous than her being with him? I think it's the other way around. Everyone is out hunting for Chenming and he wants Fahsai to be with him???? I don't get it? Yeah I know, he will be happy if two people he loves the most will love each other blah blah blah. Whatever, complete idoicy

Daniel needs to know that love cannot be force. He's only making the lives of both his and Fahsai a living hell. He's not protecting her, he's torturing her.
And what's with this Kwan, anyways??? What's her deal? With Doc Itt, I can at least sense that he does care for Fahsai in some ways, but with Kwan, it's pure selfish and power-hungry, which brings me to the scene where she pretends to fall and acts like Fahsai pushed her. I'm glad Daniel is wise enough to see right through her. This is one of the reason why I adore Daniel and Fahsai's relationship so much. This trust they have for one another, no one can teared it down. It makes me mad that Daniel's unable to value that trust to fight for their relationship instead of doing something stupid in the thinking of protecting her. Her biggest protection/bodyguard is you, Daniel. It's you, and only you.
I have this weird feeling that something's going to happen to Ah Jo. The constant talking about his family and newborn child, and him retiring after everything is settled with the gang and Boss is happy, and etc. You know when you talk about retiring and family stuffs in lakorn, a sudden death is bond to happen. I hope not. I think I might cry, not like I haven't cried enough over my heartbroken otp. There's a picture of Daniel and Ah Biao with a child at a grave, I have this feeling that the child is Ah Jo's son and they're there to visit his grave. Ahhhh!!!!!
These two episodes were so depressing but I thought Ah Biao and Fai's misunderstanding's so funny and cute. They were my little glimpse of happiness among all the heartbreaking.
Sorry for the essay lol. I tend to do that a lot. Same thing happened when I was in PCKNMPCW with James and Kim. I like to make one post of all my thoughts instead of scatter it in multiple posts lol.