Oh this drama. My first for both Mick and Pim, and they are so dreamy together. I don't usually like mafia type of drama, especially ones that deal with look-alike past lover and present n'ek, but this one somehow is so addicting. You know you've become an addict when you're watching a lakorn without subtitles, and loving every seconds of it even though you barely understand what they're saying lol. But fortunately, there are recaps I can read to at least, understand the content of each episode. So grateful for lovefia for her recaps.
The chemistry between Mick and Pim is explosive. Mick is so good at giving off this cold, calm demeanor, but whenever his character, Daniel, is around Fahsai he's this puppy that's madly in love. So cute, the both of them. And Pim is doing a really good job playing this weak, but not so weak, feisty character. I give her pros for giving a distinct differences in Boran and Fahsai. I'm glad Fahsai is not Boran, because Boran is such a boring character. She's to Mary Sue for my liking. I'm surprised the lakorn didn't bring up the "he likes/loves me because I look like his past lover" cliche, which I appreciate they didn't because I hate that lol. I also love the secondary couple as well, Pui and Fai are cute too. Pui kills me in the recent episode when he attempted to smile

He's so funny and cute.
It makes me sad that this drama is not being subbed

The recaps helped, but it would've been great to watch with subtitles. Still I'm grateful for whatever sources of translation