Well, the two brothers are together. Sila definitely doesn't look as happy as Nathee. Wonder what this could be about... LOL. I'm getting more and more excited!
This picture was removed after the back up event, or something like that.
LOL. Does our Win want to have an interview with our Kwan ka? And in those pictures, Win looks so much younger than Bank. He can be past as the younger brother instead. LOL.
Yeah the younger Win would probably video bomb Kwan lol but maybe since he is much more mature now, he knows that he has to be professional?? HAHA He should've at least wai in the video or something hahah
Hopefully Win feels much more comfortable as they film. I guess he just needs to get use to working as an actor again, Lol Things have changed, as he mentioned in his interview.
Hahah I'm sure they used to always tease each other hahah Kwan still seem very comfortable with him heheh OMG I saw a photo of Kwan win finally!! Ugh well see if I can update it later but probably kwan20 is faster than me. Gosh he was so close to her and it made me happy hehe
You mean that other guy from Wonderful Life? (Wait, was he in Wonderful Life?) I'm not sure how he looks like, so I don't know. Since you said so I might check it out later though.
And gosh, I'm excited! Wonder why they're so close to each other?! It looks like he's having on a pajama robe or something like that, so... darn, I need to stop. LOL.
Now that I look. Omggg I think bank and win get to meet Kwan lol if u look it's the same outfit that Kwan wore when she's with Bank too haha ohh gosh I can't wait heheh I'm so excited!
Ommgg that has me imagining lmaoo really? How come it looks like a company place there's so many fire extinguisher lol OMG now I have crazy imagination I want it to be his bed room oooh