[Ch7] Mai Sin Rai Fai Sawart (Daravideo)


sarNie Granny
ceda_lee said:
There's R scene in Bang Rajun? Between one of the main couples? I'm suddenly interested...again haha.
I feel guilty to admit it but yes, I was interest in bang rajun b/c I was told it had an rscene HAHA b/c tragic lakorn is not my cup to tea. To answer your question, yes , there was one, on a rainy day at the abandoned shack.


sarNie Egg
All these "R" scenes talk got my niece confused, while we were talking about this lakorn and if either of us has watched it yet, she mentioned that there was an r scene already...I was like "it can't be, there is just one episode that just aired! I know Channel 7 is not as conservative as Channel 3 but really...the first episode!"
I had to back track and re-read this forum...you got both of us fooled :p I was not planning to watch this yet until a few more episodes airs but now I pretty much know what happened on the first episode. I guess I will just have to watch it now...LOL


sarNie Oldmaid
In the old one he made her (roughly) sleep with him a couple of times until she drank more and more. She got so drunk that he lost his desire hahaha. I cant wait to see the love scenes, seems like it's a bit more graphic lol.

Too bad he's already married, else I would jin them even more.


sarNie OldFart
I spent half an hour writing a review only to have clicked it out! I'm about to cry. Lol. I guess I can't write a full out review on this. Let me summarize what I had written.
I feel really bad for missing out on opportunities to spazz with everyone. This week has been a busy one with school and such. I like the first episode so far, but I don't totally love it. It was a good introduction, enough to keep me interested and excited for next week. I think that Tui is doing a great job as Pattawee. I love the cold and heartless vibe that he gives off. There's no life to him. You can tell that he is a troubled person. Something in his past caused him to be the ill-willed man that he is. He is, indeed, traumatized from his past. I love when he clenches his jaws. His jawline is on point! His evil gazes and smirks has me having the hots for a 40 year old man who is twice my age! Lol. I'm definitely impressed. I feel that Kwan still lacks a bit in her acting. She's so good at being an innocent n'ek that when she tries to be tough, she still seems nice. I want to feel the hatred in her eyes and hear the resentment in her voice. She still needs to work on that because her expressions are still soft. Let's see if she improves as the plot intensifies. 
Since I've seen the movie version with Sam Yuranan, the acting in there is hard to top because that movie portrayed disturbance at its best. The main leads went at it full force. This doesn't seem as raeng, but good effort. I think Tui will be able to kick it up a notch and put a spin on his version of Pattawee compared to Sam. Idk about Kwan being able to pull the same sassy as the female lead in the movie version. We will see.
In contrast to other members, I blame Pattawee for Chichaba's father's death and I blame Chichaba's father for Wee's father's suicide. They are professional gamblers so what they wager has to be given up regardless of how stupid it is. These men make a living off these bets. So I blame the stupidity of the men who initiate the bets to begin with. I know everyone is responsible for their decision in life, but you can't ignore the fact that other factors influence them to do what they do. Wee had a play in Chichaba's father's suicide while Chichaba's father had a play in Wee's father's suicide. The two were close friends and Chichaba's father took everything away from Wee's father after winning a bet, which lead to his father hanging himself to death. Wee just want him to repay what he had done through the same method. I guess karma caught up with him and will soon catch up with Wee too. Revenge only goes around in circles, hence the title Mai Sin Rai Fai Sawart.
In this version, our two pranangs met prior to finding out who each other was. But I don't think Wee wanted Chichaba to be his mistress because he liked her. I believe it's because he wants her to suffer as much as he has. Her losing her father doesn't equate to the same amount of pain he had suffered all these years. That's why he wanted her as a mistress to prolong her pain and destroy her physically and mentally the same way her father did to him when he had lost his father. It's a twist of fate that he accidentally falls in love with her during his revenge. 


sarNie Granny
The movie version is too depressing & unhappy ending . I hope the writer kept the lakorn version. Happy + baby . I agreed he want her as a mistress to torture her & to live miserably like he did b/c the father death to him is to quick & he felt they had not surfer enough.


sarNie OldFart
sarN said:
I feel guilty to admit it but yes, I was interest in bang rajun b/c I was told it had an rscene HAHA b/c tragic lakorn is not my cup to tea. To answer your question, yes , there was one, on a rainy day at the abandoned shack.
Whoa...may I ask which episode? HAHAHA! I want see if I can feel the chemistry. I haven't been in the mood for tragic dramas lately. And I heard Ban Rajun is exactly that.


sarNie OldFart
phatman said:
Oh woman, you're too late. Sign up sheet has been entirely filled. HAHA.
Ncmeowmeow35 said:
This reminds me of a lakorn with nussaba and johnny. I think it was called "white Rose". In that one, the pra'ek's father cheated her father so her father killed him. As a result, he got executed. Nussaba blamed his family and seek revenged. She got the pra'ek, got the business and unfortunately fell in love with him as well. If i remember correctly, she felt guilty for falling in love with him and couldnt get over her dad's death that she made herself so sick and basically died from a broken heart. Wish they would remake that lakorn.

Kwan's ghettoness matches the original nang'ek! I was waiting to see who would do it better and they're both great! Lol, now i just need to see her alcohol addiction and drunkness lol.
Ncmeowmeow35 said:
The line closed lol and even if you managed to squeeze in, there would be nothing left after a few of us lol.
Uhhh, can I cut? Pretty please?! Hahah. :cry: :whahuh:
Ohhh, that was one of my favorites of Noos. Omg, I still remember it and it was soooo long ago. She still looks the same too. Dang, I want to see it remade. I liked it that nang'ake was so straight forward. The romance was a bit limited but still, the whole drama was just soooo freaking good. I gotta find it to rewatch it now.


sarNie Granny
ceda_lee said:
Whoa...may I ask which episode? HAHAHA! I want see if I can feel the chemistry. I haven't been in the mood for tragic dramas lately. And I heard Ban Rajun is exactly that.
eps 7 @ 24min into the eps !! during sarnworld days , i told member to message me if there an rscene in lakorn & i still get those pm til this days if im not aware of one ^^^


sarN said:
I feel guilty to admit it but yes, I was interest in bang rajun b/c I was told it had an rscene HAHA b/c tragic lakorn is not my cup to tea. To answer your question, yes , there was one, on a rainy day at the abandoned shack.
Oh yeah there was! ! HHa HHa. Khap and Feung. I totally forgot about them.


Mahalo said:
I spent half an hour writing a review only to have clicked it out! I'm about to cry. Lol. I guess I can't write a full out review on this. Let me summarize what I had written.
I feel really bad for missing out on opportunities to spazz with everyone. This week has been a busy one with school and such. I like the first episode so far, but I don't totally love it. It was a good introduction, enough to keep me interested and excited for next week. I think that Tui is doing a great job as Pattawee. I love the cold and heartless vibe that he gives off. There's no life to him. You can tell that he is a troubled person. Something in his past caused him to be the ill-willed man that he is. He is, indeed, traumatized from his past. I love when he clenches his jaws. His jawline is on point! His evil gazes and smirks has me having the hots for a 40 year old man who is twice my age! Lol. I'm definitely impressed. I feel that Kwan still lacks a bit in her acting. She's so good at being an innocent n'ek that when she tries to be tough, she still seems nice. I want to feel the hatred in her eyes and hear the resentment in her voice. She still needs to work on that because her expressions are still soft. Let's see if she improves as the plot intensifies. 
Since I've seen the movie version with Sam Yuranan, the acting in there is hard to top because that movie portrayed disturbance at its best. The main leads went at it full force. This doesn't seem as raeng, but good effort. I think Tui will be able to kick it up a notch and put a spin on his version of Pattawee compared to Sam. Idk about Kwan being able to pull the same sassy as the female lead in the movie version. We will see.
In contrast to other members, I blame Pattawee for Chichaba's father's death and I blame Chichaba's father for Wee's father's suicide. They are professional gamblers so what they wager has to be given up regardless of how stupid it is. These men make a living off these bets. So I blame the stupidity of the men who initiate the bets to begin with. I know everyone is responsible for their decision in life, but you can't ignore the fact that other factors influence them to do what they do. Wee had a play in Chichaba's father's suicide while Chichaba's father had a play in Wee's father's suicide. The two were close friends and Chichaba's father took everything away from Wee's father after winning a bet, which lead to his father hanging himself to death. Wee just want him to repay what he had done through the same method. I guess karma caught up with him and will soon catch up with Wee too. Revenge only goes around in circles, hence the title Mai Sin Rai Fai Sawart.
In this version, our two pranangs met prior to finding out who each other was. But I don't think Wee wanted Chichaba to be his mistress because he liked her. I believe it's because he wants her to suffer as much as he has. Her losing her father doesn't equate to the same amount of pain he had suffered all these years. That's why he wanted her as a mistress to prolong her pain and destroy her physically and mentally the same way her father did to him when he had lost his father. It's a twist of fate that he accidentally falls in love with her during his revenge. 
Yay, you're here!! I've been waiting. Haha. Sucks, I've dive that plenty of times. Haha.

The intro wasn't mind blowing, but his enough. I can't agree more with your comment on Tui and his clenching jaws. Mm..mmm.
I hope as the story progresses so will Kwan and Tui's acting.


aiyaja said:
Uhhh, can I cut? Pretty please?! Hahah. :cry: :whahuh:
Ohhh, that was one of my favorites of Noos. Omg, I still remember it and it was soooo long ago. She still looks the same too. Dang, I want to see it remade. I liked it that nang'ake was so straight forward. The romance was a bit limited but still, the whole drama was just soooo freaking good. I gotta find it to rewatch it now.
Fine we'll squeeze you in. Haha.


sarNie Adult
saw the teaser for this coming week episode. Seem like so many "R" scenes wow is it all really going to happen all in this weeks episodes? LOL WOW
here is the preview hah i felt that they added more scenes in this preview 


sarNie Oldmaid
I am so behind on this, haven't got a chance to watch the first episode yet. :cry:
Thanks to everyone for the feedback and spoiled, I enjoy reading everyone's comment. :dance1:
Judging by the summary I saw on other site, I believe they can have a happy ending, or else the author wouldn't go out of her way to have them met in Paris first before the storm started. :shrug:


sarNie Adult
Yeah from what I am seeing also. From the pics that Kwan25 shared with us, there was a photo of Kwan in that fur coat or something and Tui was hugging her, that probably is the make up scene like someone had mentioned. Most likely it will be happy ending. 


sarNie Granny
i see lot of  pool scene !! in the old verison she love to swim haha if she doesnt want his attention stay away from the pool