[CH7] Petch Tud Petch (Pordeecom) Kwan Usamanee/Weir Sukullawat


sarNie OldFart
Weir will be her hero lol. I mean Pra'ek tends to show up like superman anyway to the n'ek rescue. Sometimes, you would never think the pra'ek would be in time to rescue her but miraculously he shows up somehow. And I expect Weir to do the same here hahaha


sarNie OldFart
Aww. They're so cute. Weir let's Kwan beat him up with all these bruises while she doesn't have a scratch on her at all. He's so caring towards her. He tries his best not to bruise her. That bruise on his arm is from Kwan kicking him during several takes. Haha. She's like that's payback for that kiss from DDH. Jk jk. 


sarNie OldFart
lovebunny said:
They're seriously so cute together. Does anyone know if kwan also referring herself as 'nong' to weir?
Yes, she's referring to herself as his nong :) They're growing closer.


sarNie Adult
eeei I love that interview!! hehe they seemed much much more comfortable haha compared to her in the purple outfit. I believe that was the first scene film that's why they were kinda awkward heheh but yay kwan still uploading photos of them ahha Weir soo sweet he's doing his best not to give her bruises hahah while Kwan is using all her energy to attack him and then end up giving him bruises haha 


sarNie OldFart
I think that's Chat, the character Weir impersonates. He's a part of the drug trade gang. Weir undergoes surgery and impersonates him to investigate and take down the drug lord Madam Louie. Just my guess. There seems to be multiple bodies though. Ohhh, I know. I think they're all the people who died from doing those drugs. 


Staff member
darn you ch7 copyrights!!! grrrr.   I need to find clips now :(    NVM :p
Goodness, Kwan & Weir look great~~~ kyahhhhhh!!!  so many bruises on Weir indeed.


Love has nothing to do with bodies.
Awww how sweet to know that Kwan is referring herself as his nong. It will make them close/comfortable to act together like he does with Min. :)


sarNie Oldmaid
Mahalo said:
Aww. They're so cute. Weir let's Kwan beat him up with all these bruises while she doesn't have a scratch on her at all. He's so caring towards her. He tries his best not to bruise her. That bruise on his arm is from Kwan kicking him during several takes. Haha. She's like that's payback for that kiss from DDH. Jk jk. 
Lol dang she's like a nok kaew, he barely got to talk. Too cute.


sarNie OldFart
Ncmeowmeow35 said:
Lol dang she's like a nok kaew, he barely got to talk. Too cute.
She was like that in the other interview too. Lol. Maybe she talks a lot to hide her nervousness around him. Haha. Here I go again with my over-analysis.  


sarNie OldFart
No, seriously. She talks A LOT. I don't remember her hogging the microphone with her other p'eks. It's like Kwan, can you share the microphone and let him speak too? Lol. 