[Ch7] Roy Ruk Raeng Kaen (Samun Karn Lakorn)


sarNie OldFart
I just see it as Kawee being a kid who lacked love so he was jealous when his father remarried someone his age who was also the girl he rejected. Pretty childish to go after her sister for that. If he didn't excessively rawr her it wouldn't be that big of a deal. But the fact that he would commit such thing with that kind of reason behind it is unreasonable where as Michael's actions are justifiable because Mook lied under oath on behalf of a selfish man like Tada who may have killed the only woman he had left in this world to truly love him. 
Oh, and I'm not supporting his actions. I just understand him. In contrast, I don't understand other vengeful p'eks because their revenges are stupid or the production didn't execute it as well as this one. Lol. 


sarNie OldFart
Mahalo said:
Oh, and I'm not supporting his actions. I just understand him. In contrast, I don't understand other vengeful p'eks because their revenges are stupid or the production didn't execute it as well as this one. Lol. 
You're right. I understand Kim too. He has a right to hate Mook and Tada. I supported him in the beginning but as his revenge is becoming more and more hurtful towards Mook and Pak, which is the essence of a revenge, but I don't see how it can realistically work at the end. But then Mook is so weak when it comes to Kim and Kim knows that. Kim plans on literally killing or dragging Tada into jail. Once that has been accomplished, he plans on marrying and carrying on life like normal with Mook? Or was that all lip service? That just doesn't make sense. And if it does happen, Mook would have to be one of the worst nang'akes ever! It's like Kim wants to kill yet keep Mook. If he knew he wanted to end up with Mook in the end, why hurt her this much? And continue to whore around, hurt her, lie to her, and use her? Is this what a person who loves you does to you? Even in a revenge? Half of the things he does isn't even for revenge, it's more like his lust nature. I don't know. If Patawee and Chit can end up together happily after all of that mess, I guess, like any Thai lakorn, this will be a happy ending. SMH. Lol


sarNie OldFart
This does not deserve a happy ending! Lol. I think it will have one though, which will be a downfall for the revenge theme. Anything with revenge should not end well. The character committing it should face redemption in the end just like in Nang Chada. However, if Kim is able to stop what he is doing before everything goes completely wrong, a happy ending is possible. I doubt he will stop though. At this point, Kim is not psychologically stable. He abuses Mook and Pak. I don't think he's in the right state of mind to stop himself and ask whether he loves Mook enough to stop it all for her. He's still grieving. He's coping negatively. This is the result of it. 


sarNie OldFart
Mahalo said:
This does not deserve a happy ending! Lol. I think it will have one though, which will be the downfall for the revenge theme. Anything with revenge should not end well. The character committing it should face redemption in the end just like in Nang Chada. However, if Kim is able to stop what he is doing before everything goes completely wrong, a happy ending is possible. I doubt he will stop though. At this point, Kim is not psychologically stable. He abuses Mook and Pak. I don't think he's in the right state of mind to stop himself and ask whether he loves Mook enough to stop it all for her. He's still grieving. He's coping negatively. This is the result of it. 
There could be a happy ending but like you said, Kim has to stop before more irreversible mess happens because he causes them to take place.
I'm a true believer in that one saying, when you truly love someone, you're never lost. I guess, the one Kim truly loved is Mook and he would have been okay if she wasn't the one who betrayed him.
I want a reasonable ending, not a Thai one. I already read the summaries and know what's going to happen. Kim doesn't stop his revenge for anybody, so he should end up with no one but the consequences of his revenge. That's how a revenge should be similar to Sai See Plerng.


sarNie OldFart
I wouldn't be able to love Mook anymore after she did what she did. The girl had the nerve to wonder why Kim is so angry at her. Why can't he let it go? You lied bish, that's why. Lol. 


sarNie Oldmaid
Mahalo said:
I wouldn't be able to love Mook anymore after she did what she did. The girl had the nerve to wonder why Kim is so angry at her. Why can't he let it go? You lied bish, that's why. Lol.
Omg Hahahahaha. See i was mad toowhen i read the summary before it aired. She lied! Of course she doesn't deserve his torture but she doesn't deserve his love either. Why should he understand and forgive her for that? She should had stayed out of it and let the justice system handle it but no she lied to get her brother off so to me she picked her brother over him. She sacrafice their love for her brother who by the way is a killer. If not first degree then at least second degree.

Ugh this lakorn makes me so conflicted with my emotions. One minute I'm on Kim's side and the next I'm on Mook. Pretty soon I probably will embrace Pak lol.


sarNie OldFart
Yes, she lied but at the same time, it was for her brother. She can do that but just never look back, don't expect to be the same with Kim, and live your life repaying for your sin.

That's what I'm saying. Lol I would be okay with Kim's going all out revenge on Mook and Tada, if he doesn't end up with Mook. The love Kim had for Mook should have ended right when she lied. Like how can he still love her? But if Kim and Mook ends up together then what's the point of the revenge? How can he love and live with the woman who betrayed him and his sister? And how can she love and live with the man who ruined her life despite his reasons and eventually took away her brother? It just doesn't make sense. It's all or nothing, not half ass like this. That is what's frustrating me. Haha.


sarNie OldFart
I don't think he truly wants to be with Mook. He's just unable to control his feelings for her so he does all he can to hurt her yet be close to her. He's a lost soul confused in his own anger and love towards Mook. In the end, he will feel remorse and try to get back with her, but it's too late. However, like every other Thai lakorn, she'll forgive him. Between Mook and revenge, it's obvious which one he chose. It's just his heart sometimes causes him to drift away from his ill will towards her, but he'll hop back onto his plan each time he's reminded of what his true intentions are. But it kind of makes sense for them to end up together anyways. There's some truth to it. Women tend to return to their abusers. Such a dilemma between reality and lakorn world. Sometimes, lakorns aren't too far from reality. Reality is even crazier. 


sarNie OldFart
Haha. Yeah, if a woman can forgive a guy who cheats on her, steals her money, beats her up to the point of death, and has her cut all ties to her family, then why not Mook towards Kim? Haha. Oh yeah, lakorns can't compare to reality these days with their raengness. Lol

Their love was doomed from the start. You have a pair of aggressive and hot tempered siblings like Weemonrak and Kimhan. Like Weemonrak pulled a gun on Tada! Then we have a pair of useless siblings like Tada and Mook. Lol


sarNie OldFart
Do you guys think that if Kim had met Dao before Mook, he would love her instead of Mook? Seems like Kim and Dao understand each other the most and have a special friendship/relationship.


sarNie Oldmaid
aiyaja said:
Do you guys think that if Kim had met Dao before Mook, he would love her instead of Mook? Seems like Kim and Dao understand each other the most and have a special friendship/relationship.
No because Dao is too strong. That type of guy can never be serious with a girl that is strong.


sarNie OldFart
Haha. That's sort of what I'm thinking too. Kim fell in love with Mook because of her sweetness and passiveness. Even in the beginning or scenes from the past, Kim totally wore the pants with Mook behind him.

And that's what's still tormenting Kim too. Because Mook is so sweet, gullible, and passive, she allows herself to be used by Kim but at the same time, it allows Kim to keep rekindling the love he has for her, so he's hurting too. Haha. Gosh!

If Mook were like how we advised her to be which is to be strong and fight back, it will only generate more hate from Kim to her and really fuel him to take revenge. He may really not have a soft spot left for her. Lol


sarNie OldFart
They will end up together and it's going to be a Thai lakorn fashion. If Tui ends up with Kwan I will never be surprised if a crazier couple pulled that last minute "I love you and I am wrong" line and live happily ever after.

I am hoping Fai Laung Fai will take the other route because I don't want to Matt end up with Boy at the end lol. But her revenge should not give her a happy ending with anyone until she works on herself first. Most revenge lakorns should not have a happy ending. They should show a few years past and update us.

Anyway back to this lakorn...Kim should not get a happy ending. He is consumed with anger, hatred and breathing out his revenge to be peaceful with himself. And it's hard to buy into him waking up one day and says no more. Hs revenge will last him towards most of the lakorn so it makes no sense to give him a beautiful ending for a sake of it.


sarNie OldFart
Dao isn't Kim's type. They seem to understand each other because Dao understands everyone. She can read people. Lol. 


sarNie Oldmaid
byebye said:
They will end up together and it's going to be a Thai lakorn fashion. If Tui ends up with Kwan I will never be surprised if a crazier couple pulled that last minute "I love you and I am wrong" line and live happily ever after.
I am hoping Fai Laung Fai will take the other route because I don't want to Matt end up with Boy at the end lol. But her revenge should not give her a happy ending with anyone until she works on herself first. Most revenge lakorns should not have a happy ending. They should show a few years past and update us.
Anyway back to this lakorn...Kim should not get a happy ending. He is consumed with anger, hatred and breathing out his revenge to be peaceful with himself. And it's hard to buy into him waking up one day and says no more. Hs revenge will last him towards most of the lakorn so it makes no sense to give him a beautiful ending for a sake of it.
He didn't just wake up one day and decide that though

he decided to end it because 3 people died as a result of his revenge: Pak, Duang Dao, and Duang Dao's baby. Pak went completely nuts and ran Duang Dao over resulting in her crashing the car and died. Plus Tada also dies from brain cancer


sarNie OldFart
And it's funny because all of them are so expressive, doesn't take much to understand or know what they're planning to do if you're not in denial but then, Dao is on the outside so she's looking at the situation objectively.