Even the guy playing his friend would have been as the praek. New actor case is desperate man. Absolutely NO appeal and when they zoom on his eyes Eww ! Now makes anyone looks peasant. Now aura is in the class of Aff Taksaorn, Noon Worranuch in her prime. Very gracious and ultimate N'ek. Her seduction scenes in the lakorn will show her ability at playing raeng roles eventuallyLol its beyond me how New is still a praek. He's even worse than Mameaw who has only been in one other lakorn and sitcom prior to this one. She's freakin adorable and acts quite well for a newbie. I love how she's playing sisters with Now because when I first watched her in Payasok, I thought she was like a mini version of Now. They both have that natural cuteness to them without being aeb-baew and off screen, they have very similar personalities. Not to mention they're both beautiful when they Ram Thai. I look forward to seeing her grow up even more when she looses the baby fat and matures into a woman. There's not much I have to say about Now. Words can't explain just how beautiful and graceful she really is. These two are the real gems of Channel 7.
Probably first lakorn I won't mind sad endingSo, this isn't a happy ending huh? She becomes possess and eat's people? Didn't read the story line and didn't want to go back searching for it. The step mom is evil and mean?
My only reason is the Praek. I am allergic sorry (not sorry) New. I am enduring for NowYes, considering she is eating people although it wasn't her doing.
Thank you for replying for me. I decided to be nice todayMMmmm...I understand what you are saying and coming from.....but.....
I have read ppl dislike of actors I like...I JUST ignore their comments and Skip over it and Don't respond nor reply to it more than needed. We ask some1 to respect our opinions, we have to give that same respect to let them express it, though repetitive as it may be....if we pay it no mind....those comment are really meaningless....
I was about to stop mentioning this "actor" and focus only on the positive sides but you know what I am waiting for next episodes and talk about his improvement as a veteran@preetam I understand your strongly dislike for New and you constantly over and over again reminded people but please it's enough. I understand that everyone have a different opinion and is freely open to express them but I am nicely asking that you put your dislike for him aside on this topic for the lakorn. It's really immature of you to keep on putting out negative thought on his person and going off topic. I do understand that you wanted someone else to play this part but nothing can be done at this point and blaming the actor b/c of your dislike of him is ridiculous. I'm sure you will not like it if someone else keep on voicing their same opinion again and again on the actors/actresses that you like. We all are adults here and needed to be more mature on how we express our voices on personal dislike of actors/actresses that are actually liked by others. I'm sorry if I'm coming on harsh here but I think everyone who does not like him voiced their opinion far enough. Please let's us fans here just enjoy reading about comment on the lakorn, story/characters wise and be on a friendly term here. Thank you.
I'm glad that Now is not in Mae Saw Eurn. That lalorn is too sad and not a happy ending. I think that's good if she's not in any remake of Noon's lakorn since she looks so much like Noon. I don't want Now to be in the shadow of Noon. Beside, Om's in here and I don't want to see Now with On again.Now dances so beautifully. I was super impressed with the sword dance and couldn't help but think of Daonin from Mae Ai Sae Eurn.