I recently finished this lakorn and it left me very unsatisfied. I would recommend viewers to skip this one and watch the older version with Aum and Oil instead since that one in my opinion was better and more romantic. Unless.. you're a fan of the cast for this one then you can maybe watch. I kind of did that for Porshe and Peak but then I found Ko Vasin

I actually don't mind Porshe and Peak as the pra'nang. They both had their own charm as the characters but.. omg there was just so little romantic interactions that nothing could be used for the flashback scenes. Like what CupidCandy said above ^ ... the exact same flashbacks of the beach scene was so overused and wasn't even really romantic.. so to have that flashback be repeated over and over as a recollection of their love.. it was umm.. not really useful in trying to persuade me or maybe other viewers that Ramet and Pum were lovers. Like we knew Ramet is obviously going to get with Pum in the lakorn, but he was also against the idea since he found out that his brother Rang loved Pum. It's just so hard for me to find that beach scene as romantic because the confession he blurted out to Pum isn't even like a confession. I feel like it's one of the most cheated confessions ever lol. Like what lead up to making him or her interested in eachother??? I watched the whole thing and I can't figure where the development came from...
Anyways, I liked the second pranang's story.. but like Cupid said above again, they were really just at odds throughout the entire lakorn. It was kind of sad to see because you see Rang change so much but he just didn't get the chance to prove himself that he was a changed man. I understand why Dteun would be like that towards Rang since that incident did occur.. but she was just forever hard-headed and stubborn that the two just can't make up.
I have to say that the cast did do a good job on their roles. It's just that this lakorn doesn't really do them justice because it's kind of disappointing to me in how everything flowed or played out. I have to say that I did not enjoy the editing of this lakorn. In some scenes you couldn't really hear them speaking and the flow of scenes weren't smooth. My major pet-peeve is really the flashbacks. Besides the beach scene I already mentioned, I disliked the flashback scenes that pops up the very next second when the scene just happened/past. Like you're kidding me right, lol? Plus I didn't really find them to be that relevant. Seriously, they could've given more life to the characters too.
What I seriously want to know is what kind of job the characters have in here.

They have jobs but it's unseen so it looks like they don't do anything haha..
If you want to watch it, watch away. If not, a skip is totally fine.