sarNie Adult
So there's this really cute guy that added me on Facebook. We have one mutual friend and I've known that one friend for a few years...but the two guys happens to be best buds. So the cute guy and I have been talking on and off via FB for about a little over a month now (we never met because I just came back from overseas). When I got back, things got a little more serious where we started to exchange pictures (silly selfies). He always compliments me that I am pretty and started to call me 'babe/baby'. His best friend knows about this (I don't know how many of his friends do) and the cute guy also makes it known on FB. He has asked me to go see a movie with him a few times but I politely declined because I felt like I wasn't ready yet. He is very funny, respectful, seems like the laid-back type that isn't clingy. We recently exchanged numbers because it's more convenient to communicate this way and he has called me a couple of times but we never got to talk because my work was always in the way. I feel like I'm not ready for a relationship but at the same time, I feel there's more to this guy that I want to know about and may be a potential "significant other". You guys help me out and fill in on this. What do you think? Chances are...