Chiang Mai Rock Festival


sarNie Adult
aw man you're so lucky! i want to see bank clash live the most but then others are kool too. anyways, thanks for sharing :D


sarNie Egg
there's 60 pictures to upload and last time i tried, the connection died so i had to start over, then i hit another button and it disappeared...i think i give up on that, but even if you're not a facebook member you should be able to see the photos. the link i provided is a public one.


sarNie Juvenile
thanks for sharin!

i was wonderin what your opinion about Da Endorphine....

because i saw her perform live twice and i wasnt amazed by her like i thought i would be.... i love her songs and shes got a great voice but i just didnt feel a stage presences from her like i thought i would.... maybe its just me? what did you think about her performance? maybe becuz i saw jus her and not all of endorphine? i dunno


sarNie Adult
wow and cool!!!!!!!!!!!! well i always dream of going to Chiang Mai someday i will go if i have a chance


sarNie Egg
thanks for sharin!

i was wonderin what your opinion about Da Endorphine....

because i saw her perform live twice and i wasnt amazed by her like i thought i would be.... i love her songs and shes got a great voice but i just didnt feel a stage presences from her like i thought i would.... maybe its just me? what did you think about her performance? maybe becuz i saw jus her and not all of endorphine? i dunno
I know how you feel, although those mutual feelings we share are directed to Clash in my case. I don't think it's the fact that they really dont have chemistry with their audiences and fans, but rather because we expected something too spetacular from heir range, and more accurately from their mood/energy level that very night. I was so excited to see clash because well, for one thing p'bank is hot, but mainly because they do make beautiful music, but they were a disapoointment especially after seeing so many other great bands put on great performances.

i like da endorphine. she has a fantastic voice, but i do agree that her live performances need extra tweaking, but that's for her to figure out, careers arise and fall depending on how the artists take to criticisms and suck it up in order to be better than just having a good voice.

nice chatting. take care.