Chinese Hmong Dub Movie


Hello Sarnies!

Just wondering if anyone remember this Chinese Hmong Dub movie. It'll be nice if someone can upload it. I used to
have this movie, but I don't know where it went. It was a very funny movie and I enjoyed it. I'm not sure of the name,
but all I know is that it contains the African guy. The beginning was like a master and his student was supposed
to transport the zombie back to his country, but due to an airplane incident, the zombie fell into Africa and the African guy
found him and brought him to his village. The zombie helped chased the bad guys away, therefore, he and his village people
prayed and honored him because he was like a "gift" from God. Later, the master and his student arrived in their village and
found the zombie, so they stayed and helped rebuild the village, but later, the bad guys came back and try to steal their diamonds.

Any info on finding out what the title of the movie is would be nice. Thanks! ^_^


Thanks! But then, I really would like to watch the Hmong Dub version because it's so much funnier. Any chance of knowing the Hmong title?