chompoo is the next ann tongprasom


sarNie Elites
as much as i love chompoo, she's much too different in her acting style to be compared to ann everyone else said . she's also younger, and is less seasoned. give me a few more years, then i'll come back and comment again. lol


sarNie Granny
araya is pretty good... i like her more in the new channel...i think she's probably can be better than anne in the future...


sarNie Juvenile
Chompoo the next Ann? What kind of question is that? Sorry, but she's not even close. Yes, she does has her own uniqueness as all people do have it, but I don't feel any excitment when I watch her acting. I can feel something from Ann. Ann always went to the next level to portray her role and she has acted in different roles. Not to mention she had won a lot of awards in the past years.
Dude, I watched BBK and I'm all freaked out by Ann's character (in the beginning) - it's just that she's so good.
Watching Ann in Jao Sao Prissana 99' just won me over..

I don't even know why, ever since Chompoo moved to Ch.3, she has been the talk of the town...In ch.7, she wasn't given that much attention.

i'm a fan of araya's as much as the next person, but i don't think her acting ability is really all that great...she can't play a variety of roles as convincingly or as fluidly as she should (given the number of years she's been in the industry)...she's best at one certain type of role and is pretty static...give her a different type of character role and she can't pull it off as easily...
I TOTALLY AGREED WITH YOU! -although I'm not a fan.
This is just my opinion, no offend, but I think Chompoo fit for the second role...She shine more.