college and grant


sarNie Juvenile
k this has never realyl happen to me, but my cousin was rewarded like 1680 dollars in federal grant(he going to community college that's why its not much) last year but he had decided to go and sign up for classes in the fall of 2008 instead so he ask me if he cold use that money for those classes instead, and i was like i don't know bc i use al my federal grant for the year it was awarded so not realyl sure on how to answer him

so if anyone knows please tell me


sarNie Adult
So your cousin received the grant for the academic year 07-08? But he wants to use the money in 08-09, correct?

Some things to think about:

1. Did he enroll in any class for 07-08? My assumption is that he did not. If he got a grant to go to school and did not use that money, then Financial Aid (I know my community college is very strict and they track this kind of stuff) might ask for it back. He can't keep it and use it for the next academic year.

2. If he did take classes and this is left over money then it's not a problem. If he needs money for 08-09, he should be okay as long as he filed his FAFSA. Assuming everything is the same as the previous year, he should be able to get the government grant once more.

Hope this helps.


sarNie Juvenile
yes the thing is the moron applied for year 07-08 thinking it meant fall of 08 also which i think it does but not so sure myself lol


sarNie Adult

First thing:
Applying for all 07-08 means that you are covering the following semesters/quarters (depending on your school)--
Fall 2007, Winter 2008, Spring 2008.

Applying for 08-09 means that you are asking for money in Fall 2008, Winter 2009, and Spring 2009.

I don't think it’s too late for apply for the FAFSA, but he needs to go to their website. Make sure he has a PIN if he doesn't they can send him one but it will take a few days. Once he has it he can start his application. Also have him to talk to the financial aid office at his community college. They should be able to help him out. He will probably have to return the money because he didn't take any classes in 07-08. Also, if the school is in CA, most community colleges have BOG (Board of Governors) Waivers and that will take care of a lot fees/tuition associated with going to school.

Let me know if you have any more questsions!