coming out story


sarNie Adult
My friend was Bi and still is he has a girlfriend and boyfriend :s and they all live together.... he feels the same way for both.... ppl are all different and feel different about the word bi. ppl say im bi but i kno im not coz i go 110% girls is all bcoz i say that some guys look ''hot'' but thats all they will be is ''hot''


sarNie Hatchling
has anybody ever heard of the phrase, " I can make a gay ___ , straight!" ?

I mean wouldn't that just make them bi, because they've been with both male and female. I support what iceBKK said, sometimes the love is just equal and it doesn't matter to them if they don't have one over the other.

I think being with one person who knows you and feel comfortable with you, makes them want to be with that person, regardless of sex.