Cua Yaj


sarNie Hatchling
Gosh. It's like he disappeared off the face of the come i don't see him in movies anymore? I mean i don't watch that many hmong movies, but man! I don't see him anymore!!!!

Oh, did anyone go to his concert that he apparently had in Sac. I missed it...argggggg...... I found this clip from youtube, but so many people SCREAMING that i could hardly hear him...

So, if anyone knows where he is or have any videos and pictures of him... i would be wreally really nice for you to share it with me.... :)

BTW, here's the clip I found of him:

I think he is hotter or as hot as Tub Yaj! LOL :slapandkissse3:


sarNie Juvenile
Gosh. It's like he disappeared off the face of the come i don't see him in movies anymore? I mean i don't watch that many hmong movies, but man! I don't see him anymore!!!!

Oh, did anyone go to his concert that he apparently had in Sac. I missed it...argggggg...... I found this clip from youtube, but so many people SCREAMING that i could hardly hear him...

So, if anyone knows where he is or have any videos and pictures of him... i would be wreally really nice for you to share it with me.... :)

BTW, here's the clip I found of him:

I think he is hotter or as hot as Tub Yaj! LOL :slapandkissse3:

HEs married to my cousin... shes should be in Laos by now... yeap!


sarNie Hatchling
R U Serious! Awwww.....bummer.... there goes another one.... sad... LOL You mind sharing some pics? Just curious....


sarNie Oldmaid
i don't think he's married. is he? if he is.. & if his wife is over there..

she is not going to survive...laos is hot & dirty as hell.. :)

good luck to her..


sarNie Adult
Cua Yaj is very handsome...I like him better than Tub Yaj too.....much better actingwise...


sarNie Oldmaid
Totally agree w/ you Mae...Cua is a lot more handsome..slim and an good actor too...i tink Tub Yaj over do some acting a lot of times...don't see wats soo good about him...but me against the i'll just shut up...hahaha...i tink Cua is the 2nd most handsome hmong actor after tat one very old hmong pra'ek who wuz alwaise doing movies foe TNT...well they weren't called TNT back then..someting about lightenning...LOL..i'm very retarded..but he did tat movie where they dressed all cool and it had two started wen nang'ek found a ring while she wuz camping and wen back in time..anyone know his name?...anywayz i heard Cua got married too...i guess it's's okay...


sarNie Juvenile
yah it is true... well yah i'll show u some pic hopefully... when i get a chance to see my cousin again since she lives in NC... she was just here but only for a night and stuff so yeap! my cousin is 17 and cua is 27


sarNie Hatchling
yah it is true... well yah i'll show u some pic hopefully... when i get a chance to see my cousin again since she lives in NC... she was just here but only for a night and stuff so yeap! my cousin is 17 and cua is 27

Wait so they're both living in NC now?

Dang he's 27!!! Well last time i remember he didn't look 27...

~~~~He still looks hot though...and I agree, he is better than Tou Yang to some degree too... Tou Yang is still fione as hell too.... LOL!!!

PS I hope you get the chance to post up pictures soon.... Very Curious.....LOL