Dallas Thai Restaurants


Staff member
Does anyone here or has anyone here been to a good thai restaurant in dallas, tx?
I've been to a few but I didn't like it to much.
I'm taking a few friends out for dinner tonight and wanted to go to a thai place
but the thing is I want them to get a good impression
so any good restaurants in the dallas area anyone would recommends?
So far i've gotten Thai Orchid, and Thai Lotus in mind

thanks in advance!


Staff member
bangkok city I heard a lot of bad reviews about it yeah i liked bangkok orchid, but we ended up going to this place in Richardson called "Thai House" It was amazing! Dude you wouldn't even believe it lol.

Man we should have a section or thread for reviews of different restaurants in different cities lol so that way if anyone ever visits the town they'd know where to eat;
hahah I'd be a good reviewer and food critic ive been to nearly all lol