Did Destiny come out with a new album?


sarNie Egg
I was just wondering if Destiny came out with a new album other than Xav Ya Nrog Koj, because I watched Hua Jai Chocolate ( dubbed version---> Lub Plawv Suab Thaj) and I tried to find the songs but I couldn't, so I was just wondering.

Does anyone have the Destiny song from Lub Plawv Suab Thaj that's in the movie at the end of part 2. I think its called "Koj Yog Kuv Nplooj Siab", but I'm not absolutely sure.

Here is the lyrics( It starts in Piano first):

"Lub ntuj tso koj los hlub nrog kuv.
Koj thiaj yug los ua kuv tus.
Vim hais tias wb yeej sim hlub ntau tiam dhau los.
Koj zoo ntxiv hlub zoo tag txhua yam tsis muaj ib yam piv tau koj

Koj thiaj yog kuv lub hnub ci tuaj rau kuv lub neej.
Koj yog kub nplooj siab txawm txoj sia yuav tu.
Txoj kev hlub tsis ploj mus ntawm koj ib txhim.

Zoo kuv lub siab kuv tau nstib koj.
Kuv yuav tsis tso koj rau leeg twg.
Kuv puag koj rau xub ntiag tsis muaj hnub kiav".

Thats all I know for the lyrics. If you have this song could you upload it for me, please? I've been searching everywhere in the net for this song. Thanks in advance.


sarNie Hatchling
yeah...people help the poor a bit.like me...so destiny dubbed the hua jai chocolate song..which song...and it woulb be nice if some nice person can help me on tat one tittle for tat one song destiny 'lika jock" from dan's song "tam ha hua jai" in "tuvhlub noy vietnam land".kay so....i don't spell or write hmong.but i get the image...should be nice if someone can uplaod me and CVue request.....i'll go request at the request homg song section.but i'm desperate....plz help....a d2b fanatic like me.....OXOXOXOXOXOX


sarNie Egg
absolutely, I agree with d2bnarak. I've been looking everywhere for this song, but I found nothing, because people wouldn't reply back or just wouldn't look at "request". Please HELP. If you don't have the song, but you know the name could you tell us so we can request someother places, too? Or just give us some other sites we can look at. I already know HLUB.us, they don't have it, Hmonglistener, they don't have it, and Pebhmong.com, they also don't have it. Please help, you guys.